Game, START!

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I saw him, behind the guy who was shutting peoples mouth.
A girl saw the mask too, she shout.
"The mask guy! Behind you!"

Everyone pay attention to the stage, they saw the mask and just stare at him. The guy in front of him turn around and froze, the mask touch him.

"Hello friend, you are in my stage. Please get off :]"

The guy jump off the stage, hurting the people he jumped.
Everyone froze the moment he speak.
"He can talk?!"

"Of course I can talk! I'm a human too idiots!"

Everybody is confused, they talk to each other quietly but too much people talking so its like a huge group of frogs.(get it? Xd)

"Let me introduced myself first my name is Mask. I know that everyone is confuse and shock but I will start the game because time is important!"

He doesn't look like a bad guy though and his speech is like a guy who's excited to buy some ice cream or his crush finally gives him an answer, before he got the answer. He's like a kid that enjoys having fun, childish act.

Everyone laugh because his voice is high. They laugh hard time. While they laugh so hard, Mask begun to talk and his voice change.
"Everyone please look on your phone,you will see a number there. I will pick a paper from this bowl that I have and whoever have this number please raise your hand, oh yeah there will be a signal. Your welcome :]"

As we look onto our phones, no kidding there really is a number.
No.20 is my number. As the mask pick a paper,everyone stares at mask.

"Number 87, please raise your hand."

The guy that has number 87 raise his hand.
"Tell me, how many followers you have?"

The guy replied "457"
"Hmm, its not even many. Your not popular."

The guy became angry, and as he was going to say anything, we where shock that he explode. The girl in front of him is covered with  blood in her uniform and her face. The people who where close in the explosion  was covered with blood too. Everyone panic, and 3 man in the back explode too, I don't know what happen but they explode!
"Here is the rule of this Game, as you can see the guy who has no. 87 was chosen to be an example of this game. He's 457 followers died because he died."

I ask the mask
"Hey! Even the people who are the watchers that follows him will die too?!"

"Well, of course! They are WATCHING right this moment."

Thank you for reading this part, the part will continue after this week. Thank you for understanding.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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