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'Bella! What's the deal with you Kendall?'
'Is Harry why you guys aren't friends?!'
'Bella! Have you seen Kendall's shady caption?!'

All these stupid paparazzi comments. I just ignore them and walk to the black SUV. I see the camera flashes still going off, until the car drives away where I can't see them no more.

"Wow... it must be crazy with all this Kendall drama." Hailey, one of my closest friends, tells me.

"Tell me about it, it's absolutely absurd." I say with an irritated look on my face. I can't believe all of this is happening. This timing is all so bad. I have the release of my Chrome Hearts collection and so far all the interview questions have been about me and Kendall, and some of Harry. I personally don't mind answering questions about things like this because I know how to work around them, but I worked so hard for this collection. All my time and effort, only to be overshadowed by this drama. I haven't had this sort of problem since high school.

"I need to get my mind of things. Wanna go get some greasy New York pizza?" I ask Hailey with a forced, but somehow natural looking smile.

"You bet."

•NEXT DAY• (Third person)

"Bella, you've got an awfully busy schedule this week. Press conferences, interviews, fan meetings and a photoshoot with Harry Styles." Bella's manager and publicist, Melody, says.

"Repeat the last part again." Bella says, with wide eyes. She was totally caught off-guard.

"Photoshoot with Harry Styles...? I booked it for you before any of this drama happened and you know the thing about photoshoots... you can't back out."

Bella started to sweat. She was nervous. And she didn't exactly know why.

'It's just Harry. You are friends, nothing going on. He probably doesn't even think anything of this.' Bella repeatedly told herself.

"Why the hell didn't anyone tell me this before? Do you how much controversy this will cause. I have the E-News interview on Monday and the fan meeting on Tuesday! They will only be speaking about this stupid cover!" Bella started to rant, she was frustrated and threw her hands in the air a couple of times.

"Good god Bella, stop overreacting. Get a grip. Just act professional and be poised during interviews" Melody said with a nonchalant tone.

"When exactly is this photoshoot from hell?" Bella said with concerned eyes.


Bella froze. It was too soon she told herself.

a/n: WOOOOOOW ACTUAL CHAPTER!! I missed writing this way sooo much:( hopefully I'll write like this more!! Enjoy this and tell me your thoughts please, much love xx

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