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Hi. This is not an update. However, I feel like I have a platform on here considering this book grows everyday. I'm sure everyone heard what's happening in the US, I want you to understand this isn't just in America. Police brutality and racism is a universal issue. If you are silent over this, I have no respect for you and your privilege is showing. You can not stay silent over this when it's plastered all over social media. Everyone has access to internet, you are all able to educate yourselves. We must lift and amplify black voices and not speak over them, but listen and stand with them. I'm a non-black POC, and we must address the racism in the POC community. Do not just post on your social media, have these conversations with your family and friends. Black lives matter is not a trend, it's a movement. It's not something you post when you want to look cool. Understand that black people are fighting to LIVE. LIVE. Understand how fucked up it is to protest in the middle of the pandemic in order to LIVE. These protestors are risking their lives. They're protesting racial inequality in 2020. And do not come on my page with the 'all lives matter' bullshit because that will not be tolerated whatsoever. All lives cant matter until black lives do. You can find many useful links online and plenty of causes to donate to (if you can). Please continue to educate yourselves. This is definitely not the time to be silent. And if you're 18+, GO OUT AND VOTE TRUMP OUT OF OFFICE. It's your right and you should exercise it.

Continue to sign petitions and donate. Use your voice and platform. Don't stay silent. Educate yourselves and everyone around you. And most importantly, VOTE.

And happy pride month. I'm so proud of all you, you are valid and you are loved.

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