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This is Andrews wolf Caden^^

5 years ago
Victoria and William, Andrews parents had a report of a twelve year old boy named Lorcan who lost both of his parents to the reapers, these reapers were once hunters that hunted werewolves but they started to get a bit too far than hunters originally do. Eventually they were found out and tossed out of there group or killed by there once friends and family, now enemies of the rouge pack (the hunter reapers are crazy like Kate argent but add bi polar with Kate argent then you have a hunter reaper) little did William and Victoria know that Lorcan was going to be very powerful when he grows up.
Andrew he's 17 years old and can't wait to be alpha and have a mate but things change when the rogues make a move that'll have less allies and is a threat to everyone including the humans which will make more rouges and outnumber everyone.
I'm so sorry that it's short but it's almost midnight and this is all I could think of so let me know that you like it then I'll see I'll do more.

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