On the road again

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Dean pov
*this been edited*
I can't believe i have daughter. "Son of bitch." I whisper. "What wrong." My brother asked. "Noting Sammy." I said.
I pull in to gas station. I look in back see Emily passed out. "I'm get gas want anything from the store.." I asked my brother. "Coffee sound good." He said. I got out the car and walk up gas station. I went in. I seen girl with blond hair and green eyes stand Thier.

"How can i help you." she asked. "Hello cutely." I said. She laughs. I look at her name tag. "Pearl what a beautiful name." I said try flirt. "Thank you." She said. "What your number." I asked. She comes around counter. "Your a cutely." She said,grab my hand and drag me to the bathroom.

Emily pov
I open my eyes. I sit up. "Morning sleepily head." Sam said. "Where are we." I asked.
"At gas station, Dean get gas and coffee." Sam said. I see my daddy come out with coffee and donuts. "Here you go, line was long." He said.

   Sam take the coffee and donuts.
You watch your dad fuel the Impala and he get in. Watch Sam open coffee see their a condom in it. He look at dean. Dean look away.

"Whoa we go on the road again." My dad. said start the impala. "Well I'm never send you get my coffee ever again." Sam whispers. I laugh a little.
"Hey Sam i could been worse." I said. "Like what him put mud in it." Sam mumbles

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