Best Eds Forever

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Chapter 2

"Look everyone! The Ed-Boys have arrived!" Rolf called out, pointing to them. Everyone happily greeted them and continued to party.

"Look Eddy! Food!" Ed yelled.

"Don't over feed yourself, Ed. It could be detrimental to your health!" Edd said, following Ed who was stuffing his face.

"Oh come on you guys! Not even a minute has passed and you two are fooling around!" Eddy grumbled. He walked up to Ed and Edd who were on the ground for some reason. Eddy crossed his arms and looked down at them.

"Do you realize how important today is? It's the last day to have fun!!" Eddy yelled in their ears.

They both cringed and covered their ears.

"Goodness, Eddy. Your loud voice is ear-wrenching. No need to raise the volume in your voice," Edd commented. Eddy raised an eyebrow and looked at him angrily.

"Aww come one guys. Let's be friends here," Ed said, patting their heads. Edd gently took off Ed's hand.

"Th-Thank you, Ed... Now if you'll excuse me," Edd said, and walked to the nearest sink.

"What a baby," Eddy sneered.


"C'mon dudes. The cake is ready! It's to celebrate our last day of summer," Nazz said. All the kids marveled at the cake.

"I always have enjoyed the sweet velvet pleasure coated in glazed goodness..." Edd emphasized.

"Hey Shakespeare. While your at it, you should cut the cake," Eddy commented, handing him the knife.

"Yeah you should do it Double D."

"Yeah go on Double D," All the kids kept saying. Edd put one hand in the air to cease the scattered encouragements.

"If you insist. It is a rather dangerous task."


"Man that cake was great! They know how to make a good party, huh," Eddy said to Ed and Edd. The party was over and they were all on their way home.

"Psh. Amateurs, Eddy," Ed said as he waved goodbye and walked in his house. Edd scratched his head.

"I wonder what thoughts wander throughout Ed's head all the time, Eddy," Edd said. Eddy stuck his hands in his pockets and shrugged.

"Man this blows. I don't want to go to stupid high school tomorrow."

Edd gasped. "E-Eddy! You don't mean that!"

Eddy looked at him and raised an eyebrow. Edd got the memo.

They nodded a goodbye to each other and headed into their homes. Tomorrow was going to be a totally new day. And the start of a new year.

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