Best Eds Forever

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Chapter 5

The three Eds finally met up at lunch. Eddy rushed to a seat, and Edd followed.

"Ugh! I have the worst classes ever! You know why? That guy you ran into earlier is in most of my classes! His name is Rodney. This whole thing blows!" Eddy went on.

Edd put his hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down, Eddy. I'm sure he's not that much of a problem... Is he?"

"Don't touch me. He's always messing with me! I have to get him back!" Eddy claimed with a fist in the air.

"Well... You know I abhor violence, Eddy. I don't want to be hearing any bad reports of you fighting him," Edd commented.

"Oh don't you worry your little sock hat about that," Eddy mumbled, rubbing his hands together. "What about your classes?" He asked.

Edd's eyes widened as he remembered each class.

"W-Well... Umm... They were... Not as I expected... You see... M-Marie was in all my first few classes. So was another girl I met. They both were scary and kept trying to talk to me..." Edd shivered as he explained. Eddy rolled his eyes.

"What about you, Mono-" Eddy looked around. "Where the heck is Ed??" He asked. Edd looked around as well.

Edd gently tapped Eddy's shoulder and pointed.

"Wha-" He looked to find Ed talking to someone. Ed was talking to a guy wearing a leather jacket. Eddy and Edd watched him until Ed pointed in our direction. The guy's eyes widened. They both came over where Eddy and Double D were sitting.

"Hey you two. You better get out of my spot befo-"

"I'll take care of them, Rob." A voice said behind the leather jacket guy.

Eddy's jaw dropped again.

Rodney came walking towards them, with Rose on his right side.

"Pipsqueak... What did I say about running into my friends?... Ever?" He asked in a tone.

"Hey look. It's Double D," Rose said in her smooth sounding voice. Rod raised an eyebrow.

"You know him?" He asked. She nodded. Rod glared at Edd.

"Now it makes sense... What are the odds that each of his friends are in our classes... Ed? Was this gentleman in your class?" Edd asked, referring to Rob. Ed nodded.

"He kept staring at me, Double D," He answered.

"Either way... You're in the spot that we were gonna get. So ya better get a move on, dorks," Rod said. The three Eds backed away a bit.

It wasn't until three figures stood between the Eds and the three delinquents.

"Hey! Leave our boyfriends alone!"

The three Eds were just as surprised as the other trio.

The Kanker sisters came to the rescue.

"I told you that girl meant trouble!" Marie pointed at Rose, who was standing next to Rodney. Rose cocked an eyebrow.

"Hahahaha! You had to call in your rescue team? Your girlfriends? How pathetic Hahahaha!!" Rodney laughed. The Kankers exchanged glances and nodded. Lee tackled down Rodney.

"Say uncle," She said while gripping his wrist.

Marie grabbed Rose's long hair and pinned her down. "Stay away from him!"

"You better not make my bunny feel uncomfortable ever again!" May grabbed Rob's ear and pinned him down as well.

The three sisters laughed maniacally, and the Eds slowly backed away from the scene.

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