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"hey lovebirds get up its already 12," i hear johnny yell

"shut up jojo," i groan and pull my pillow closer to my body.

its so warm

and cuddly

i sigh contently and snuggle my head against it.


am i dreaming?


"mmm jaehi," i mumble in my pillow.

the pillow smells really good

i hear her giggle

"hi donghyuck," she whispers in my ear


"SHI-" I yell quickly pushing her away
she and johnny laugh hard as my face grows hot realizing the situation i was in

i had my face buried in her neck, my arm around her waist and my legs tangled with hers

"you're a good cuddler," she says softly. i squeak slightly and turn around and curl in a ball of giddiness.

"geez this fluff is overwhelming, well you missed breakfast since you slept for about 14 hours so fend for yourselves, we're all heading out to meet up with felix and chan and friends, later suckers, use protection," he says and closes the door.

"wAIT," I screech, I fly up and swing the door open, " what about me?"

"do you really wanna leave a damsel in distress?" johnny asks. the sunlight hits my eyes making me squint and shy away from the sun saying a "welcome to reality you prick" 

"eXCUSE ME I AM NOT A DAMSEL IN DI-" jaehi begins to yell, coming up behind me, i immediately cover her mouth with my hand.

her lips are soft

"we dont complain to the almighty jojo," i hiss. i try with all my will power to not melt right then and there into a puddle of "I love you"

johnny snorts and slaps my back, erupting a nice plump *sPLAP* sound. "enjoy your time alone sweethearts. anD STOP CALLING ME JOJO ITS WEIRD"

he begins to walk down the stairs, then turns around. his grin creeps across his face in a menacing way, his eyes sparkling with a mischevious glow

"taeyong has some condoms in the to-" johnny begins.

"sINCE WHEN DO WE SPEAK OF CONDOMS IN THIS GOD LOVING HOUSE" taeyong screams. "we haVE CHILDREN PRE S E N T" he hisses in a small tone, grabbing jisung who is walking innocently with a Twinkie in hand and covering his ears. jisungs blue hair sits in a huge pile of blue which also makes my eyes burn

"ive already had sex ed taeyong," jisung says and shoves the remains of the twinkie in his mouth and walking away

taeyong stands there with his hands still acting like they're covering the young boys ears, his face then grows red with embarrassment

then another yelling fest of "grab holy water cleanse my son" and "everyone knows about it" begins as they exit the door.

i then feel a slight tap on my hand.

"oH GEEZ IM SO SORRY" i yell as i take my hand off jaehi's mouth. she then takes a deep breath and wheezes out.

"what do you expect when sOME ONE HAS A COLD AND CANT BREATHE OUT OF NOSTRILS" she yells and tackles me.

a whole wrestling match begins as she tries to most likely kill me

i flip her over and hold her hands behind her back and she tries to wrestle out of my grip.

my face flushes when I notice how close our noses are together

she stops abruptly and breathes heavily as our eyes meet

in any cliché event of the world of kdramas i would have kissed her, probably a peck, and her eyes wouldve been open widely and we wouldve stayed like that for probably a slow motion 6 seconds before standing up and not talking



she leaned up and pressed her lips flush against mine, and MY eyes were open in shock

and oh boy it was not just a peck

my arms went limp and her hands went up and tangled in my hair, her fingers scraping my scalp

she kisses me again, her head tilted

and shockingly

I kiss her back

our mouths move together and my arms wrap around her
its like a whole firework exploded in my stomach, filling me with love

it cant be explained more perfect than that

her lips are soft


i let out a yell of surprise and stand up quickly and fall back against my butt

oh my beautiful butt

now a sore butt

from falling on the floor


jaehi still lays there, smiling like a maniac

"do nOT continue that" yuta says, as he grabs the keys and leaves.

i cover my mouth, feeling a tingling sensation

"i win," jaehi says, breathlessly.

i then realize her tactic and chase her around the house

i then realize her tactic and chase her around the house

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