Alike part 1

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"So... Miss LN, since you are going to join the avengers team, I need to ask you a few question." Nick fury says to me, all I do is not my head, with my anxiety at the moment I do not trust my voice. "First thing first, how did you get that arm"
Fury asks and I'm hit with a flash back and a wave of emotions.

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"I still don't understand why were given such a disappointment!" My father yells at me... "It's not my fault... just please, don't make me go back." I whimper, as two men grab me by my arms and drag me towards a jet black van, "you can keep her!" We're the last words that I heard, and they echoed through my head for days.

It's not my fault I'm like this, I was born like this.

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"Miss LN?" Nick says pulling me from my line of concentration "sorry sir... Um, I was um born without my left arm... My uh... My parents hated me for it. They let this one organization experiment on me, trying out different prosthetic, they were inventing new, and more deadly ones, ones used for weapons of war. They were trying to figure out witch ones were strongest... And that ended with this one."  I say, holding up my left hand.

"How did you get away from said organization?" Nick asks.

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"Come on YN!" The trainer barks at me,"Yes sir," I reply in a tone, that only one with a broken soul could achieve. The trainer leads me outside into court yard, the yard is filled with punching bags and other various trying equipment. I rub my shoulder right where metal meets skin, It hurts so bad... They have taken off and reattached five different arms. They tell me it's the last one they will ever have, but they said that about the last two.

"You know the routine, the trainer growls, "you think you would give me more than ten minutes after attaching the arm, before testing this it," I sneer, fury fills the trainers eyes as he pushes me you my knees, holding my right arm behind my back; and that's when I see it, a piece of training equipment is pushed up against the wall.

I quickly avert my eyes to the ground.

"You will learn that talking back to your superiors is punishable," the trainer cocks his arm back and begins to pull it forward into a punch, aimed directly at my face. Without looking up, I catch his fist in my metal hand.

Slowly, I lift my head up just so we are making eye contact. "I am not living under your rules anymore," I punch him hard in the face with my right hand, the trainer falls to the ground unconscious.

An alarm sounds, but the second it does I'm over the wall.

I remember running, and not stopping until I was far, far away from that horrible place.

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"They made a very grave error one training session, and I was able to make my escape." I say nervously.

"Good... And one more thing before you retire to your new room," Nick adds.

"What is it?"  I say,

"Do you know the name of the organization?"

"I believe it was..." I pause for a moment, racking my brain of what it might be called.


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