Are you okay?

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I am out on a weekly run, I have run seven miles and am ready to collapse on the ground. I still don't get why Sam has me run this routine once every week.

I am almost back at the tower when I hear a twig snap from behind me, I stop running and I turn around to see a man standing there behind me. He has a black sweat-shirt on and a black bandana covering the lower half of his face, "I finally found you, they will finally take me back..." The man says as he steps closer. "What?" My voice cracks as fear begins to consume me.

"I was the commanding officer... I failed to get you, he told me he was lucky to get off with my life."

"Who told you?" I say as I take a step backwards, as I take note of the small blade in his hand.

"Hail Hydra," in one swift motion, the man steps forward and slashes at me with the knife, my hand flings in front of me to protect my body from a blow.

I feel a sharp pain in my palm, and blood begins to gush out from of my hand. I lose all senses, I turn around and begin bolting up the trail. My legs are begging me to stop as my lungs are gasping for air, but I know that the man is close behind me so I can't stop.

I am just a couple yards from The Tower when I turn my head back to look at how close behind my attacker is, when I run smack into someone, "hey YN, what's the matter?" I hear the voice of Steve Rogers ask me, all I can do is just cling on to him. I point with my bloodied hand at the person bolting towards us.

"I've got this," Steve says as he takes on the attacker, the man slashed at him with the knife; Steve dodges it, Steve swing his fist and knocks the man out with one punch.

After the guy is lying on the ground Steve comes back over to me, "hey, hey, you're okay... You're safe with me," Steve pulls me into his embrace, tears are running down my cheeks and all I can do is nod my head.

"hey, you're shaking... Are you okay?" Steve asks. " ya, I-I'm f-fine." I manage to stutter. I pull away from Steve, I stare at the bloody mess that I've made on his shirt.

"Steve, I-I'm sorry about y-your shirt." I stutter, Steve just flashes me a smile, "even when she just almost got kidnapped, she still thinks of others," he says with a chuckle, my cheeks dust a shade of pink.

"My shirt will be fine, now let's get you inside, and get Bucky," Steve says as the two of you begin walking back towards the Avenger's Tower. Me and Bucky had bee dating for a little over a year, and you know Bucky would go ballistic when he found out about this little situation.

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Time skip brought to you by Thor eating at "Outback"

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I sit in the main area of Avengers Tower when Steve walks in, "Hey YN, how is your hand doing?"

I look down at my bandaged hand and flex it, "I'm doing great... Thanks again Steve," I say "Any time, YN,"

"Bucky should be hear any second." As if on Que. we hear heavy footsteps running up the stairs and then down the hall. Bucky comes around the corner, there is a look of frantic concern on his face.

I turn around to look at him, and I can see the relief flood his face when he sees that I am alright. "YN, are you okay? What exactly happened? Who was this guy? Was he really from Hydra?" Bucky says quickly as he makes his way to the couch that I am sitting on.

"Yes, I'll tell you in a minute, I don't know , and I don't know," I say as he sits down next to me. "Is your hand okay, Doll?" Bucky takes my injured hand and gingerly holds it up to examine it, "Bucky, I'm fine, I really am." I say as I slowly pull my hand away from his grasp.

"But what if he got you, what if hurt you really badly ... And what if he comes back?" Bucky says sounding scared, "Buck, you don't need to worry about 'what ifs' and he won't be coming back, we've got him locked up." I say as I give Bucky a quick peck on the cheek.

"I'm gonna go now," Steve walks out of the room to go t o his own personal room.

"Well, I'm going to have to go and give him a talking to about scaring my best girl," Bucky lays down on the couch, pulling me with him, I snuggle into his chest and close my eyes.

"That won't be necessary... Now, I'm tired from all at running I did earlier today, so if you could be quiet that would be nice." I give Bucky a kiss on his lips, and put my head back down.

"I love you YN," Bucky says as he gives me a kiss on the top of the head.

"hmm, I love you too."

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