Chapter 1. A New Killer Has Reached the Streets

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aleks pov

" WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME MY HOMIE?!" eddie (sly) screamed at me. he was really getting on my fucking nerves. " IM NOT FUCKING YELLING EDDIE! JUST SHUT YOUR GOD DAMN MOUTH!" I yelled back. eddie was gonna charge me but james hold him back. " FUCK!" I screamed as I slammed the door behind me.

I ran out to my car and just drove. I dont care where I was going, I just dont care. I lost all hope in life. I lost everything. eddie just doesnt understand why I am so stressed.

" aleks, I just dont understand why you are advoiding me. I dont understand why you wont fuck me or anything sexual. im sorry aleks, but we are done. you just dont treat me right, I need a man that can make me happy. you dont make me happy anymore, I just grown tired of your little games. going out with friends, coming home drunk sometimes, not wanting to have sex, you never even grabbed me! I think your not responsible enough to be in a relationship with someone. youre too childish. goodbye aleks." her words rang in my head.

I closed my eyes. I just wanna vanish from the world. from everything. I dont care anymore. nobody cares about me. nobody loves me. my own family rejects me. now my own friends regect me. I heard a honked of a truck. I smiled.

this is my end.

at last.

I heard the truck swerve around me. I frowned. why cant my life just end..?

I looked at the road infront of me. I saw a cliff. water below.

this might be my chance. I pressed down on the gas pedal and sped through traffic. my car went straight through the wood fence. I heard cars swerve after my car collided with the fence. I felt the last of my car leave the cliff. my head lights shined against the water, making it reflect back at me.

I was heading torward the water within every second. " ALEKS!!!" I heard someone scream my name. I didnt look back. they dont care if I die. almost as instantly I hit the water my car starts to get water in it. I smiled.

all of a sudden my window broke and someone grabbed me. I let them. they pulled my body out of the water and started crying. " a-aleks... why?"

I opened my eyes to see eddie, crying like crazy. I pulled him with me as I swam to a small patch of sand that was directly under the bridge. eddie hugged me tightly. I just sat there, wishing he wouldnt cry.

" I-i went looking for y-you after you drove away. when I caught up to you I saw your car go off of the cliff so I jumped after you. im honestly not sure how I made it alive..." eddie said.

eddie grabbed onto my shirt. " you fucking idiot!" eddie screamed and smashed his lips onto mine. his lips.. are so soft, just like hers... I pushed him off of me.

" just... like hers..." I said, looking away from eddie. my heart sank. my tears couldnt stop. " aleks.." eddie quietly said. " dont think about her.. shes nothing anymore. she means nothing to us since she did that to you. I hate the bitch with a passion, we all hate her. james went off on her but seamus stopped him from going any farther. he was yelling ' hes fucking self cautious about his body! thats why he didnt do shit with your ugly ass self! dont blame him for his past making him like that..'" eddie explained.

" james... thank you" I mumbled under my breath. soon I passed out, so eddie was forced to take me home.

* the next day*

I woke up in my bed. eddie was sleeping in his bed, snoring up a storm. I rolled my eyes. we share a room in the creature house. there was only one room left but I dont mind, eddie and me are chill with each other sharing a room.

I got up and got dressed. as I was about to walk out the door, " aleks, where are you going?" a sleepy eddie sat up. his hair was in crazy mode, making me giggle. " im going out for a bit, so I can get her off of my mind." I said simply.

he smiled faintly. " dont go too far, be back soon." eddie said. " ok mom!" I said a little loud, making eddie laugh. I walked downstairs and I grabbed my backpack. I grabbed my keys and left the house.

* 30 minutes away from the creature house*

I saw a guy walking into an dark alley ( or ally or whatever the fuck it is -.-) I put my gloves on to not get finger prints anywhere. I gripped my knife, confidence in my eyes and in the foot steps I took. I knew I wanted to do this. I hid behind a dumpster, I hid my knife in mt jacket and grabbed a cloth that I covered with gas to make you pass out.

I calmly and quietly walked behind the guy, wrapped one arm around his neck to make sure he didnt get away, and put the cloth over his mouth and nose. he soon passed out. I dragged him deeper into the ally and grabbed my knife. I held the knife above his throat and sliced it. I made sure to cover myself before doing so to not get blood on my skin. I stabbed him two times in the stomach and heart.

I got up and hid the weapon very well. im not an idiot that would leave the murder weapon or the idiot to take it home with me. I hid it with caution, nobody would find it. I put the clothes I stole, which were so fucking big on me and sprayed them to get rid of my smell and threw them away frive blocks away from the murder.

* back at the house*

I hid my backpack so nobody could find it and went to bed.

~next morning~

" aleks!! wake up, something has happened last night!!" eddie screamed, shaking me until I got up and went downstairs. " look!" his voice quivering. I looked at the tv to see the crime I committed last night. " wow... that looks grousom.." I said. " last night reports of a yound man found dead in a ally way. his name was not found, he looks around his 20's. his neck was sliced and stabbed four times, two in the stomach and two in his heart. police could night find any clues as of who could have done it." the news lady said. " police will be on the look out and asking anyone for knowledge. now lets head down to the..." I turned off the tv.

" thats so fucked up.." eddie said, shaking the thought out of his head.


hey everyone, sorry this is soooooo short!!!

I wanted to make it longer but I rather do a murder a story or something like that.

what do you guys think so far?


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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My Best Friend is a Murderer ( immortalfox, novaHD, immortalanex fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now