Act 2: Attack|The subclass invade

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Third person POV
After a night of getting to know Tsubaki, (Y/N) had fallen asleep on the couch, Tsubaki sitting close by her examining them carefully. The next day, (Y/N) woke up and realized Tsubaki was still in her home. "Ah I'm sorry I never let you back outside!" She apologized.

Tsubaki nuzzled her hand as if saying she wasn't in the wrong. She laughed a bit. "You're so precious." She said as she pet the little fox. Suddenly she heard the sound of glass shattering in the back of her house. A twinge of fear flew down her spine. Fear for her own safety and Tsubaki's. "Stay here little guy, I'm gonna check this out." She reassured the fox.

Before she could move, she was suddenly tied up with strings. "What's this?!" She struggled to escape. A pink haired man in a magician's outfit arrived just behind her. "So you're the one who's keeping Tsubakyun hostage!" She looked at him confused. "Tsubak...kyun?" "Don't play dumb! If ya do..." The man a sword out of his hat and put it against her neck. "I won't hesitate to slice you open!" She could feel her heart beating out of her chest. Who is this guy? What does he want with me? Before she could process another thought, a man in a yukata and and sunglasses arrived on the scene. "Relax Belkia. This girl did no harm." He spoke with a calm tone. "Aw and I was really looking forward to impaling them!" Belkia grumbled removing his sword away from her neck. She suddenly became untied.  (Y/N) looked to the man who'd saved her. "Thanks for helping me out there." She thanked him. Then it just occurred to her. "Wait where'd Tsubaki-"

Before she could finish, she was interrupted by a blast of light, forming a ring around her wrist and the man's neck, and going away like nothing happened. "Did we just..." The man began. "YOU FORMED A CONTRACT WITH THE BRAT." Belkia had yelled. (Y/N) now looked more confused then before. The man just stared at (Y/N). "Look's like I'm stuck with you for another day." He finally said to her after a while. "Another? I haven't met you in my life." (Y/N) said looking at him confused. The man then transformed into the little fox she'd taken into her home. "WAIT TSUBAKI?!" She exclaimed. He went back to his human form and nodded. "So what just happened with the light and the ring thing?" She asked. "We just formed a temporary contract, making me a servant of yours. The proper name for someone like me is a servamp." He explained. "Ser.... vamp? Wait so you're a vampire? Are you gonna drink my blood?!" She asked in fear. "Nope. We went into a temporary 24 hour contract that will become void as long as I don't drink your blood." He explained once more. "So we have to be with each other the rest of the day?" She asked. He nodded. Wow. A lot to process all at once. "Well since my secret is out and I've nothing better to do..." He took her hand.

   "Would you like to meet the rest of my family?"

OOF NEW CHAPTER. Sorry if Tsubaki is OOC, I've never really written a Servamp fic before. Eh I feel like this chapter wasn't as well made as the first... Oh well, hope you guys enjoyed and happy reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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