welome home?

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I woke up to a phone full of messages.

there was a Snapchat video about 20 people sent to me.

It was Blake and Rosie.

The girl joeys been talking to.

she was giving him a lap dance.


I watched it from the different angels it was sent to me.

Blake was laughing and was well, enjoying it.

I got a text from Luna, who witnessed it.

and I sent Joey the video.

"loren this is so fake. you actually believe these people." Joey said.

I was so confused.

how the hell was this fake?

"Joey! come over right now." I said.

I had a text from Blake, "hay love. good morning :))"

he said like nothing was wrong.

"Blake. we need to talk. come over at 11?" I said.

"ur not gonna break up with me are you?" he replied rather fast.

"not at all. just need to clear the air."

"okay, I'll be there babes."

Joey came over in that moment.

I told him it was real and he agreed.

"I guess I just wanted to not believe it was real, guess Rosie's off my list." He sighed.

"I'm sorry jo,"

"wanna have some karaoke to cheer you up?" I said getting my "microphone."

witch was actually a hair brush.

I handed him one.

I turned on Spotify.

Joey loves karaoke.

we started singing "holy," by Florida Georgie line.

"when the sun has left and he winter came and the sky has fall only to bring the rain, I sat in the darkness all broken hearted," we sang.

"your an angel, tell me your never leaving cause your the first thing I knew I could believe in."

"your holy, holy holy, holy, I'm high on loving, high on loving you," we sang the chorus spinning each other around.

"you made the brightest days from the darkest nights." we laughed and fell onto my bed laughing.

I was so blessed with Joey.

the next song came on.

"come back, be here." by Taylor Swift.

Joey and I laughed.

"you said it in a simple way,"

"four am the second day how strange that I don't know you at all."

"stumbled threw the long goodbye,"

I sang.

"this is when the feeling sinks in. I don't miss you like this, come back be here, come back be here."

"I guess your in New York today, I don't wanna need you this way." I laughed.

then another Taylor Swift came on, joeys favorite.

look what you made me do.

"I don't like your little games. don't like your tilted stage. the role you made me play. if he fool. no I don't like you." Joey sang and made me laugh so hard I peed.

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