terrible & horrible

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my day went on but it was terrible.

I read through the comments on my tweet;

Lydia commented; my favorite siblings! ❤️

Luna commented; counting the days til I can't see both of ya! :))

jordyn commented; runs in the blood aye, ;)

Joey commented; marky!!!

"kylee," I yelled.

my door opened but it wasn't kylee.

I sat up nervously.

"can I help u?" I said scared.

it was one of nicks rapist friends.

"hi, Brody, right?" I said nervous.

"yeah. yeah." he smirked.

"you have a boyfriend?" he asked.

"y-" "yes."

"yes, I do." I said.

he clicked my phone screen savor witch was on my bed.

"this him?" he asked.

it was Joey;

that's my best friend

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that's my best friend." I said.

"oh, your one of those girls." Brody said.

"well, I here your here for a few weeks, aye?" He said.

"yeah, yeah." I said looking away.

"I like your shorts." he said.

"thanks." I said.

"well within the few weeks your here, you can text me and we can ya no, hook up, your boyfriend doesn't have to no." he said.

"yeah, umm, I have to go,-"

"downstairs, to umm, to go downstairs." I said nervous and ran out of my room downstairs to the kitchen.

I sighed until I noticed there was another boy down there.

"hi." he smiled.

I smiled.

"you don't have to be scared of me," he said.

"I'm nicks best friend." he smiled.

"I can tell you, your making yourself at home." I laughed nothing that he was making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

we both laughed.

he was kinda cute.

"oh umm, do you, do you guys have toilet paper?" He asked.

I laughed.

"yeah, I'll be back." I laughed and went to get toilet paper.

I grabbed some and came back to the kitchen.

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