Part 2

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Ariana P.O.V

After a quick shower to wash off all the sweat from my run, I head to my wardrobe to grab my uniform. Yup, we have uniforms. Like honestly it's the 21st Century, and I don't want to be sweating my ass off just because the blouses are too thick. Anyway, the uniform consisted of a white blouse, green cardigan and a black skirt with that cut that all school skirts seem to have.

I then grab my bag off my side table and empty it out of all the junk I used it for over break, which was probably a little different than most girls but never mind that. I shove on my socks and shoes and dash downstairs to remember that I forgot to buy stationery. Ughh, the small things that I will never be able to remember without someone nagging me.

I grab a random empty book and a pen instead and grab an apple of the kitchen counter. I rush up to Sophie's door and bang it rather loudly shouting at her to hurry up or we will be late. I check my phone and literally die inside when I see the time. It was 8.

I rush up to Sophie's room to find her asleep in bed. Gosh here I am stressing and she's just sleeping. Figures.

"SOPHIE GET UP IT'S 8 O'CLOCK YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME LATEEE!" I shout as a strip away her sheets. She probably hates me right about now.

She is beginning to sit up when I rush out once again. She has to get up. She is my ride and I can not be late. No, not because I'm a goodie goodie but because I have to catch up with all my friends, cousins, teachers... Yea nevermind I am.

Usually, I would just take my motorbike but it got damaged recently and I'm still waiting for it to be sent back.

I continue to munch on my apple until I hear footsteps behind me. I act like I don't hear anything until at the last second I turn around and duck under Sophie's surprised face and tackle her to the floor.

"Haha! Gotcha this time Soph." I grin as she laughs.

"Yea yea whatever. Must say though your reflexes have gotten better Ari."

We pick ourselves up and dust off before heading out the front door. I had let the I.T's who were staying that when I was gone Caleb was in charge so I wasn't too worried about the house being trashed. And if it did, well let's just say they wouldn't be staying anymore. Apart from Sophie, I was rather strict with the Ice Tigers. Afterall I don't want anyone trying to kill me just because I was polite and apparently that's a sign or weakness. I guess the only people I trust are Caleb and Soph.

I hop in the passenger seat and Sophia hops in the drivers. We begin to head down the driveway and I enter the pin for the gate. Heading downtown Sophie mutters "You really need to get your own car. You're a real pain in the mornings."

I chuckle. "Well deal with it, Hun. Afterall you are staying in my house."

"Haha, yea."

We pull up into the students parking lot and head up to our form class. Luckily we have the same one.

"So, reckon we will have any of those girls from last year?" Sophie asks me. "You know we can easily get rid of them. You just need to give the command." I shake my head.

"No, Soph. We need to protect ourselves and it won't help if we go beating up girls who only bark."

She looks put out so I add "But if they do bite if the I.T's wanna risk it I'll let them help."

She smiles at that.

The school bell rings and we take our seats at the back of the class, prepared for the worst.


Yay second chapter done! What do you think of Sophie's and Ari's situation? See you guys in the next chapter! Btw photo is Soph.

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