Part 9

46 5 1

Ariana P.O.V

"Ari? What happened??" Sophie says her face twisted with worry as she comes up to me, soon after I finished up my call.

"It seems we will be doing a delivery." I say curtly. I don't have time for questions.

I head up towards the car I came in and place the box on the passenger seat. I sigh and run a hand through my hair. 

I should probably get Sophie to drive me but she would ask too many questions, and as close as we are, some things you are better off not knowing about.

I start my drive back into town, no longer rushing like I was about 15 minutes ago. I come up to the nightclub, the only one in town. Figures this is where I have to meet.

I hop out of the car, storing the box securely under a compartment under the passenger seat. I won't be needing it yet.

I head inside, my body language being relaxed while inside I was as cautious as possible.

I take a seat at the bar. It wasn't as full as I thought it would be, probably not the best. Afterall the more people and noise there is, the less likely you'll get someone a little too curious listening in on your convo. 

I order a beer. I'm sure the guy thought I wasn't the legal age for drinking but he turned his head to the detail. I took a couple sips, listening to the chatter around me. 

I hear footsteps coming closer. Spinning around on my chair, I let a sarcastic grin fall on my face. 

"Why hello there stranger. Long time no see. "

A low chuckle espaces his throat as he sits in the stool next to me. "Long time indeed. How've you been Ari? Miss me?"

"Not even a bit." I laugh taking another sip on my beer.


I look up to meet grey eyes and sandy blonde hair. 

"Come on Elijah. Can you do what I need help with?"

His grin remains but his eyes turn serious.

"Of course Ari. I should be doing even a lot more than this. Just give me the details and I'll get it done."

I hesitate before telling him. Elijah was an old friend. I had saved his life one time and he promised to pay me back some day. I guess I'm calling in that promise now, but should I really get him involved? Afterall it is just a simple delivery. But my gut said otherwise, and in situations like this, you learn to trust your gut.

"Well, I have another delivery to do in the next few days, nothing major really, rather simple." I made sure to keep my voice low. Don't want anyone tuning in.

"The fact is, the guy that hired us is rather... Unsettling. I need you to look into him. His name is Darren. Tall, light brown hair, goes to my school. Look."

I show him a picture the Sophie had managed to take and send to me. 

"It's unfocused but it will do." He says passing back the phone.

"So you'll do it?" I say trying to hide my relief.

"Of course. Anything for the little girl who saved my life. " He says tapping the end of my nose. My eyes roll.

"Well, you know where I am, drop in when you catch on to anything."

"Sure thing commander." And with that, he stands to exit the bar. I grab his arm as a thought pops into my head. 

"Also, the only reason we are doing this delivery is because he claims to have one of our own, and that they will be killed if the delivery isn't a success. Could you check is this is the case?"

Elijah nods before walking off.

After I finish my beer I pay and leave.

I sigh as I rest my head against the drivers wheel. So many different things going on in my head. 

I reach under the seat to grab the black box. Turning it over in my hands, I wonder what could be so important that would cause someone like Darren who seems very capable, to ask the leader of the most feared gang around to do a delivery for him. Not trying to boast or anything, but it does not seem to fit with past delivery's that I have done.

For a moment I even consider opening it, but I almost immediately kick myself. The first thing I was taught about delivery's was to never investigate what the package is, no matter how tempting or interesting it seems. I guess curiosity isn't a good feature to have when you are trying not to get yourself killed.

My mind floats as I start up the car, should probably get back home quick, don't want any cops to pull me over and find out I don't have a full license.

Pulling up past the driveway, I notice how dark the sky has gotten in just a matter of a few hours. Another thing I will have to take into consideration while planning arrangements. 

I walk up the steps to my room, and flop onto the bed. My thoughts drag me away into dreamland, making me forget about the stress to come.


Hi readers!! Please excuse this boring chapter, it is a bit of a filler. Anyways, what do you think of Elijah? And what about this dodgy dealing? Leave me your thoughts and if anyone has any questions, feel free to message! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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