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4:00 p.m.
Sanutt had already reached at the spot where kavya had told them to come.

Uttara:bhai...its already 4, kavya will come na?

Sanskar:yeah....she has to.

Meanwhile kavya was in a dilemma.

Kavya monologue-uff I have reached. But what about champ? I want to test sanskar that how desperately he wants swara in his life. Whether he is really changed and guilty or just....because if he gets to know about ansh, then he will want swara more because of his son. No no no....I don't want sanskar and Uttara to know about my champ....once I will feel that they are genuinely guilty and really care and love swara, I myself will tell them. But for now, where will ansh be?

Her thoughts were broken by her phone.

Kavya:swara's call?(receive it)yeah swara...


Kavya got shocked and scared hearing her cry.

Kavya(worried):swara...Wht happen? Why are you crying?

Swara:kavya, ansh is with you only na?

Kavya:yeah swara. Stop crying. Champ is with me only. But why are you crying?

Swara(fear):actually....I saw s...san...sanskar and Uttara.

Kavya got very much worried.


Swara:yeah....kavya, if sanskar get to know about my baby na...he will take him away. I...I..I will die kavya.

Kavya(angrily):swara!!! Why are you saying like that? No sanskar,no Uttara...nobody can take away your son. Please swara...don't get hyper, u r driving...please first reach home....but where did u see him and where are you right now?(worried)

Swara:I got free more early than expected and while passing through xyz cafe...I saw them. Please kavya,just come home fast. He will snatch my son from me.....

Swara was continuously crying and blabbering making kavya more worried. Just then kavya heard a big crash sound like an accident.

Kavya(screamed):Swara!!!! Hello...hello...damn!!!

She tried again and this time some person picked it up.

Kavya:hello...hello swara..are you okay? What was the sound?

Person:hey...actually the person who you are talking had an accident. We are taking her to ABC hospital so you can come over there. you.(after cutting the call, she burst out crying and)no swara have to be OK. Please don't make me and ansh orphan. Please I promise I won't allow any sanskar Maheshwari to take away champ from us. I...we are coming swara!!!

She immediately drove off. Sanutt, who saw her going got angry at her and both followed her.

Uttara:how can she do that? She was already over there but without meeting us, she went.

Sanskar:I don't know why she went away. Even I am angry because currently,nothing is more important than my swara...

Within a few minutes, kavya and sanutt reached the hospital. Sanutt were confused and worried seeing the hospital.
Kavya rushed inside the hospital taking ansh, holding him very protectively. After inquiring, she directly rushed to the operation theatre and sanutt who were following her got more worried.

Kavya thanked the person who took her to hospital. Meanwhile ansh who woke up, sensed the different atmosphere, absence of his mother and a crying kavya started to cry loudly.

Kavya(teary eyed):sshh baby...don't cry. Swara will be completely alright....haan!!

Sanskar and Uttara went towards kavya.


Kavya got very much angry and looked towards sanskar with blood shot eyes,shocking him.

Kavya(dangerous tone):what are you doing over here Mr sanskar Maheshwari?

Sanskar:kavya....we were going to meet up at cafe but then we saw you coming here. Is everything okay?(seeing a crying ansh)and...who is he?

Kavya(hardly controlling):none of your business.

Uttara:kavya please....where is my Bhabhi?

Kavya(shouts) the operation theatre!!!

Sanskar and Uttara were shocked beyond limit and shouted at her.

Sanskar:kavya!! How dare u?

Kavya just pulled him and pushed him a little to make him see who the heck is inside the operation theatre. Sanskar and Uttara got teary eyed seeing swara like that.


Kavya(sternly):you saw her get lost and never show up again.

Sanskar:kavya...this time we won't go without swara no matter what!!! I want to know what happened with her in these 2 years and today also. Nothing is more important than her. Iwill heal her broken heart and..

Kavya outburst and revelation👇👇
Kavya(burst out angrily):she is in this condition because of you guys.(seeing their shock face)yeah...she saw you near the cafe and got so much afraid that what if you destroy her life more again. She couldn't control the car and see...she landed in hospital. She is insecure. were there to talk about swara suffering right? You have made her life a joke. Tamasha janna hai na...that what happened with her? Then listen....

2 months and 1 year before,when I was released from prison na....I had come to Mumbai. One night I was going through a lonely street where I suddenly heard some crying and screaming sound. As I went towards the source, I found 2-4 drunkard surrounding a PREGNANT lady and were passing disgusting comment on her. She was pleading to leave her. I looked here and there for a stick and was about to beat them but they went away pushing that heavily pregnant lady very hard. She was bleeding badly because of the push. I was very much shocked and nervous...I called an ambulance and went towards the lady....only to get the biggest shock of my life. That lady, who was in a miserable condition after being molested by drunkard and then pushed.....was none other than......SWARA!!!

Yeah sanskar......your princess was pregnant when you threw her out of your life like a piece of shit. She was carrying UR BABY!!! she saw you, she was not happy. She was scared that you will take away her baby from her. She was so scared and insecure about her baby,her champ, her ansh. This baby is YOUR SON....MR ANSH SANSKAR MAHESHWARI!!!! But today,seeing her in this condition because of you guys.....I request you to stay away from swara.... IF THIS IS YOUR LOVE, MY SWARA DOESN'T NEED IT!!!please don't make me and my champ ansh orphan!!! Go away please.....(broke down crying bitterly)

Sanskar sat on the floor with a thudd. Uttara too was not in a condition to react.

In mm, kolkata:
Ap ragini and shomi were talking. Seeing sujata lost in thought,ap said.

Ap:arre sujata...what happened? You are looking tensed.

Sujata:jiji...I am worried about sanskar and Uttara future. Sanskar is not agreeing for second marriage, while convincing Uttara for marriage is not working. Even I wish to play with my grandchild. Even you have a granddaughter....

Ap:don't worry sujata...everything will be OK.

Shomi:I will try to convince sanskar for second marriage. Huh...swara toh ran away from her responsibility...unlike my ragini who is well settled making me proud.

Ap:exactly. And swara....if sanskar was angry and told her few things, she should have had apologized to him na.

Shomi:yeah...a girl should never leave her husband, no matter what.
(Bloody idiot...swara has self respect...unlike you Mrs gadodia😠)

Ragini:yeah....shomi ma and ma are right. And regarding Uttara, I will convince her for marriage.
Sujata nodded smiling in relief.

How was the revelation part? Did anyone expect such revelation? I would like to know...what kind of revelation you all had guessed...please tell me😁😅😉😝it's your task/activity...😆😊😊

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