Chapter Thirteen,

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From my video surveillance I see that they are starting to let down their guard. It seems as if he's letting his sister go goddess knows where and that MY mate is pregnant with his pup. I'm not worried though I will kill the little abomination and we can get started on having our own. Cassandra will pay for making me work so hard for someone that doesn't even deserve me. I'm running out of time and my second chance mate is running out of patience. Yeah I found her so what I told her I had an important matter to take care of before I can mark her as mine. That doesn't mean that I didn't sample the goods I just refuse to mark her. I know I shouldn't have since she is the Alpha's daughter of one of my allies pack. Now she's everything that I wanted in a mate too bad she's not the queen. She's young and naive just the way I like it. Look out Cassandra because I'm coming to claim you.

CASSANDRA (time skip)

It seems as though I've been pregnant forever but finally I'm finally at the end of it. Doctor Simons says that I have at least a week in a half left, thank the goddess. If you couldn't tell I'm being sarcastic and do you want to know why? Being pregnant sucks donkey ass (don't ask it popped in my head lol). It's feels like he's trying to kick his way out. I constantly having to per and barely able to walk but it's worth it. Doc said I speed things along by going for a long walk which Dominic is not having so naturally I snuck off, I just gotta get this kid out of me. Don't get me wrong I love my pup but I just can't take it anymore I want to hold him in my arms. As I walked into the woods the hairs on the back of my neck started to stand on end. I have a strange feeling that I'm being watched but why and by who? I try to ignore it but as soon as I turn to go back, a twig snaps no more than two feet away. Next thing I know I feel a sharp pinch in the back of my neck and all I can do is send out a desperate call for help to my mate before things go black.


As I was headed out to do patrol I hear a weak call for help from my mate and I automatically think that the baby is coming. I run as fast as I can to reach our room call for doc to meet me there. Something is wrong her scent should be stronger. Then it clicks she wanted to go for a walk but I would not let her because of the rogues lurking by our border. I was going to take her but maybe I should have said so. I follow her scent to the woods and shift so I can find her faster. I was so distracted that I didn't see the rouge that came out of nowhere until I see my beta jump towards him and cut him off. I keep going and call for some years to  just incase it was a trap. One thing I do know is that they better not hurt my mate and my pup. I started to see red as my wolf was trying to go feral but I fight it since their is only one way to come back and that is your mate. You see my problem then, my wolf is mourning our mate because he can no longer feel her. If only he would shut up howling and keep looking because if I can sense her so should he. It's weak like she was drugged or unconscious but it's there. I must find her and our future king or all is lost. When my vision finally clears I realized that I killed five rogues and didn't even know it. That was a close one, I refuse to give up until I kill whoever is responsible for this is dead and my family is safe. Lowering my head I realized I still had one pinned down by pressing my paw on his neck.  Shift. I shouted at the rouge and I could see him trying to fight it but it was useless. Who did he think he was I'm the king and he's no bigger than a pup. Once he shifts I am shocked at what I see.


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