Sam and Annie meet

21 3 2

TW: bad language

It was 3 pm on a rainy Sunday day where Sam was losing to a bunch of children. She was finally up to the bat and got ready to pitch and destroy the other team. This was the last point they could get or they would lose. Sam was ready to make it a home run. The pitcher prepared to throw and Sam took a deep breath. She could do this, she'd been preparing all year. The pitcher raised his arm... A movement caught Sam's eye. A girl waving, her face flustered and red, her hijab flailing in the wind. She was cheering for a boy on the opposite team. Ignore her . Sam told herself, but that became near impossible when the girl began screaming his name.


A boy, Sam assumed the one the girl was screaming at, looked up and waved at her. He was at the first base. Sam would have to get past him if she wanted to get her team a point. Sam screwed up her eyes and that was the moment the pitcher decided to throw.

"Striiiike 1!"

"Goddamit!" Sam sighed and prepared to try again.

The ball whistled through the air, the girl screamed again.

"Striiiiiike 2!"

And again.

"Striiike 3! Out!"

"FUCKING HELL" the other team had won. Sam smashed her bat to the ground and stormed off to the dugout. She sat down. The rain made her shorts wet but she didn't care. This was the only game her mom let her play once she began transitioning and she'd screwed it up. She took a deep breath and placed her head in her hands. A soft hand brushed her shoulder.

"Err... Excuse me?" Sam ignored the voice. It spoke again.

"Excuse me! M'am, or are you? You're a girl right?" Sam looked up with annoyance.

"Yea I'm a girl. What do you want?" Sam's eyes widened. "It's you... The girl who screwed up my batting! Look I don't want to talk to you very much right now." The girl's eyes widened.

"What? I did what? Did I mess you up? I'm really sorry omg... I was just trying to cheer on my brother who's on the other team..." She fiddled with her hijab. Sam was getting annoyed.

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm being depressed, because of you?"

The girl awkwardly looked around.

"Well you looked cold so I wanted to bring you a jacket."

 Sam was shocked.

"But why? I'm on the other team. I play against your brother." 

The girl looked confused.

"Yea... So? Why does that matter? You're still a human right?" 

Sam shook her head.

"You're weird. I'll take the coat though." Sam grabbed the coat and wrapped her shoulders in it. The girl awkwardly sat down by her.

"Ahh oh no" Sam heard the girl mutter. "My dress is getting all wet. Mom is not gonna be happy. Not at all..." The girl looked up at Sam.

"So what's your name?"

"Why do you care?"

"I dunno you seem like a cool person."

"I- My names Sam."

They sat in silence for a bit more. The girl stared at Sam and she sighed and reluctantly asked,

"What about you?" The girl smiled and said.

"Annie! My name is Annie."

Sam looked at Annie suspiciously.

"That doesn't really sound like a Muslim name."

 Annie shrugged.

"Well, I'm mixed so... My mom wanted to call me Emara which I think would have been amazing! But Annie's cool too y'know." Sam looked down at the wet earth.

"My parents were going to call me Ethan. But I got Sam."

"Ethan? But I thought you were a girl." Sam muttered fuck and said,

"Yea I meant if I was a boy." Annie frowned and look down at the earth too.

"Ethan... I like that name! Sam fits you better though" She laughed. "It's more feminine and cute. I like it!"

A voice came from the bleachers,


Annie squinted and stood up.


Then she looked back down at Sam.

"Hey what's your contact info? Do you have a phone #?"

Sam looked up.

"I'm- I- Yea I do. It's uhh ***-***-****"

Annie smiled and recorded the number on to her phone.

"I'll text you later then. Nice meeting you, Sam" She winked and ran off.

Sam sat, flustered and in shock. Her face began turning red and she began seeing Annie in her mind non-stop. She got in her car and still memories of Annie's smile kept popping up all over the place. Sam banged her head against the wheel and chided herself. You have a girlfriend Sam! granted, she treats you like shit, but still! This Annie is probably as straight as an uncooked noodle. Ahhh you don't have a chance! Sam began the drive home and decided that whatever happens, happens.

Author: aaaaaaaaAA I finally did it haha!! I'm actually not proud of this at all,, It's really rushed and sloppy oof. Some stuff: If you didn't pick up on this, Sam is a transgender girl. This means she has the body parts of a male but identifies as a girl. As mentioned she has begun transitioning to change her body to one of a females. I'm not sure how far she is into the process, maybe I'll do a q/a uwu? Annie is a mixed Muslim woman. She wears a hijab (a type of headdress) as part of her religion. Both characters are 16. (Yes, if you were wondering, they DO end up together) Thanks for reading lovelies <3 please comment and vote !

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