School Lunch

14 3 0

Tw: smoking, bad language, sexual inferences

"Bro did you hear about Mrs. Spring?"

"YOOO I heard she got laid mannn."

"Yea in the boys' bathroom!"

"Yo wtf that's so messed up!!"

"You think she's gonna get fired?"

"Nah this school's shit. None of the other teachers even know."


A smack fell on both boy's heads and they turned to the rest of the group sitting at the lunch table. In unison, they muttered

"Sorry Eli."

Eli shook his head and his fluffy black hair bounced around.

"You guys are gonna get a referral and I'll get in trouble by association. Please stop." The two boys looked at each other and snickered.

"Why is that all you care about? For you it's all grades grades grades. Have some fun!"

Eli frowned.

"We're in senior year! The only year that matters in Highschool. I want to get into a good college! That shit matters man. I don't sneak away to parties and have sex with every person who catches my eye! Yeah Lucas?"

Lucas jerked his head up so his hair would flip.

"The ladies dig me man." His voice suddenly lowered. "At least I'm not like Mei. Addicted to Heroin, sneaking out of class to get high on weed... That girl is a piece of work man. How do you deal with her Nate?"

The boy Lucas was talking to earlier shook his head sadly.

"She's my girlfriend. I HAVE to deal with her. There's more to her than drugs and beer I promise. She's really sweet actually. Once you get to know her that is..."

A slurred voice came from the other side of the table.

"Talking about me again? Fucking idiots. I'm fine guys, really."

Eli raised his eyebrows.

"Oh really? What day is today?"

Mei rolled her eyes.

"That's easy man. It's Monday."

Eli shook his head sadly.

"It's Thursday Mei."

Mei shrugged and went back to her cigarette.

"Put that out right now Mei!! What are you thinking omg! smoking in the lunchroom, goddamn." Mei looked him straight in the eye and said.

"Whatever you say, mother." And calmly tossed it onto the ground. Eli looked ready to burst into flames. Mary raised her eyes from the book she was reading and shushed everyone. Everyone turned to her and quietly said in unison

"Fuck off Mary, go to the library." She rolled her eyes at all of them and went back to her book.

"Do any of us actually eat in this room?" Nate asked looking around.

"Food's overrated anyway. Just like school, just like life." Lucas said, kicking a can lying on the ground.

Eli shook his head.

"You guys are really sad."

"Oh, we are fully aware. A depressed jock, a person who's in a constant state of high, a faggot buried in books, a person who only cares about grades and a boy pining over a girl who's already basically dead."

Author: Thanks for reading guys. Sorry for the super short chapter I was bored so I just kinda came up with this :/ I hope you guys like it?

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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