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It was a sunny day; I went up the hill to relax. For the twelve years of my existence I always go here and sit beside this old tree. I was about to close my eyes when I saw a lady maybe ten years older than me, She's walking towards my spot. I can't clearly see her face because I forgot to bring my eye glasses with me.
"Good day, little girl." The lady smiles as she approaches me.
" Uhm... good Day?" I replied. I'm not sure if I will talk to her because she is a stranger.
"Do you want me to tell you a story?" The Lady asked.
"I-I Don't k-know my mom said don't talk to strangers." I said as a response and also a s an excuse.
"It's alright I'm not a stranger. In fact I have known you for a very long time, let us say since birth?" the lady chuckled. But wait she knows me? How come?
"Really? How come? Are we relatives?" I asked her suspiciously maybe I'll get a n answer from her right? Though I don't mind talking to her because I feel comfortable around her.
"Well +it's a long story to tell but I'll just tell you a story of someone." I just nodded because I'm also curios about it and also I've got nothing to do.
"I have a good friend of mine; she's very kind and very caring. She always thinks of the other people's welfare than her own. She's the most selfless person that I know she can even sacrifice what she have for those people who's important to her. There was a time that she had a huge problem it is about school someone framed her up for something that she didn't even did so she got punished. She asked he best friend for help and tried to solve the problem but then something bad happened." She paused for a while. She seems so sad when telling her friends story she must be really close to 'her'.
"Do you know what else happened?" I shook my head as a response.
"Her best friend fell from their building. They found out who framed her up and those people got mad. They started a fight because their plan is ruined and they're about to push my friend but her best friend saved her so she's the one who fell." The lady's tears started to run down her cheeks.
"She's asking them to help her best friend. She asked her classmates to help her but no one did. They're afraid to be involved with the trouble. Because of too much blood loss and they didn't bring her best friend to the hospital immediately, she died."
I started to cry because of what I heard; they're too cruel to ignore that situation. If I were in that situation I might hurt them.
"She kept on blaming herself for what happened. Her parents are too busy to comfort her. She started to hate and doubt other people because what happened. Months have passed they started to bully her because of being afraid to be with her fellow students. They didn't know she is suffering form depression and anxiety. They've pushed to the limit and then my friend jumped at the roof top of the school."
I stared at the sky and closed my eyes to stop my tears falling.
"Don't forget about that story."
But when I opened my eye she's already gone. "Weird"
I opened my phone to check the time. Then I realized we have a resemblance.

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