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8293842 likes 9283 comments


thanks for listening california!

honniehan yay! you're coming to arizona next rite?

butterbeerfox so that was what you were reciting in the bathroom last nite!

rororose hmmm... that's why it seemed familiar ^^^

teliataloi anytime james!

sialia james talks to himself in the shower?! 😂😂😂

chrissyheem i'm pretty sure most ppl do @sialia 😂😂

messrprongs merlin maddie! no need to E X P O S E me!

siriuslygryffindor E X P O S E D

LiEvans @messrprongs i would like to c u E X P O S E D

messrprongs .... @LiEvans that's super creepy....

rororose before anyone thinks dirty, i was dropping stuff off 4 maddie 😂

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