twenty five

86 2 0

💖 pretty little biatches 💖

butterbeerfox: come on guys!

at least come to lunch with me

why don't u wanna come to starbucks w/ me?

rororose: i rly don't wana talk to estella rn  

it's not ur fault maddie

please dont worry

i just don't wanna talk to her

estellanaie: rose, i said i'm rly sorry ok?

butterbeerfox: rosie please talk to estella

she said she was sorry...

rororose: TALK TO HER?

she f#!cking knew i liked him

and she goes off to date him? 


estellanaie: it's not my fault! what should i do then? die in a hole?

rororose: not your fault? of course it's your fault! 

yes u could go DIE IN A HOLE

butterbeerfox: come on guys

we can't let our group break up! 

how anout judy and queenie?

i don't want the group to break up

y'all are so awesome

rororose: then if we do break up

freaking blame estella!

estellanaie: look i'm sorry he didn't like you okay? but he only had eyes for me!

rororose: okay now ur just being a bitch

butterbeerfox: woah that was not necesarry...

rororose: it's the truth

she's f!#king pissing me off!

estellanaie: me? pissing you off? bitch please

you are pissing me off

rororose: you're the one dating sirius! why should you be pissed off huh? sirius don't have enough money? cuz if i'm right, he's rich af

ungrateful swine

estellanaie: juvinile bitch. still name calling i see.

rororose pshhh. you're name calling rn ^^^

butterbeerfox: ok ok break it up 

rororose left the group

estellanaie: you're seriously siding with her

butterbeerfox: the only person i'm siding with is myself

you both r my besties

i side with no one

estellanaie left the group

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