When You Were Mine

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I swear I'm not on a sad story spree.
Lol okay maybe I am.

On with the story

Kajol's POV.
I sat in a café, looking outside. Then two people crossed my field of vision. It is my ex husband Shah Ruhk Khan and his girlfriend, Gauri (sorry for making her the life ruiner). They were walking hand in hand, she is chatting away about something that obviously didn't interest him, but he is trying his best to look interested. I can't believe that after 10 years of marriage he would suddenly want a divorce. I noticed that they were accompanied by our two kids, Aryan and Suhana. They adore their father and they do not know that their mummy and daddy are no longer together. I just couldn't tell them. “Mummy!” my son, Aryan, yelled, trying to pry his arm out of her grasp. When he finally succeeded, he ran straight into my arms. They have been with their father for the whole week and I've missed them dearly. “Kads can I speak to you?” Shah Ruhk whispered. I nodded and slid Aryan off my lap and into the chair, “behave for Gauri auntie, both of you. Okay?” Aryan nodded, and Suhana is trying to wriggle out of Gauri's arms. “What is it now Shah Ruhk? Now you want full custody of the children? Well my answer is no!” I strongly stated. He just chuckled and said, “you can keep the children, I'm moving to London with Gauri.” I just stood there, dumbfound, as he walked away. “What right does she have to take you away? When for so long that you were mine?” I muttered quietly under my breath. Once I composed myself again, I walked back to the table, gathered up my children and went home. I'm no longer needed in that café. Once we were home, I spend some time with my kids before feeding them, bathing them, and putting them to bed. Once they were in bed, I went back to my room and took out a small suitcase from under the bed, I opened it and took out the pictures and newspaper clippings. It was our wedding pictures and news stories about our marriage and the birth of our two children. I remembered what a happy day our wedding day was. It was a time of love and laughter. Happily ever after, if you believe in those. It has been ten years since that day and these old pictures have begun to fade. “Please tell me she's not real and that you're really coming home to stay. Please tell me this is some sort of messed up dream that I can wake up from.” I cried and begged silently while hugging the pictures.

Months passed and news of Gauri and Shah Ruhk's wedding reached me. My heart shattered when I read about it. But there is nothing I could do except move on. A month after I heard the news, we met at a social event. I tried avoiding him, but fate has never been kind to me. I bumped into him. I tried to leave, but my ring got stuck on his sleeve. Typical K3G move. Except this time I'm trying to avoid him, I'm not dancing with him. I removed my ring from his sleeve and left. Like literally left. I went home after the encounter. When I arrived at my house, I was suddenly bombarded with Aryan's questions, “mum, when is daddy coming home? It's been four months already”. My son is very smart for a four year old. “Soon baby, daddy's very busy right now.” I feel bad for lying to him, but he just nodded his head and walked away to his room. I picked up Suhana and started humming a lullaby silently while rocking her in my arms. Once she was asleep, I put her in her nursery and made my way to Aryan's room to read him a bedtime story. Once both my children are asleep, I went to my room. For the past four months I've been crying over the news story of Gauri and Shah Ruhk's wedding. I've had enough. I picked up the piece of paper, marched outside, and lit the damned piece of paper on fire. Tears threatened to fall as I stood there watching that wretched fire burn. Then the worst thing happened. It started raining. Now my tears slid down my face, mixing with the rain water. I just stood there crying and staring at the ground. “Jeez woman, do you lack nerves?” a very familiar voice exclaimed behind me. I turned around and my soaking wet body came in contact with a tall figure. I just looked at him with a blank face and walked off leaving him dumbstruck. He followed me back to my doorstep, “why are you following me?” he said nothing but followed me silently up my driveway. When we were on my front porch, I turned to him and asked, “What happened to us Shah Ruhk? After five years of dating and ten years of marriage, I thought we had a strong foundation for our marriage to last forever. And when Aryan was born, I thought he would make our love last forever. The same goes for Suhana. I always thought that our two children would make our love fire proof. But it didn't make our love ‘scandal proof’ well obviously no marriage is scandal proof. Our Love's foundation was obviously weak because Gauri came, destroyed our weak foundation and completely our marriage. How am I going to tell them? You know very well that Aryan and Suhana adore the very ground you walk on. So how can I tell them that their daddy isn't coming home?!” I finished my long rant with a huff , tears streaming down my already wet face. He just stared at me with guilt evident in his eyes. “Well if you're not going to answer me, then the best of luck to you and Gauri. Please don't let another woman ruin your marriage with her. Don't put her through the same thing you put me through.” I said before entering the house. I closed my eyes and slid down until I was sitting with my back against the door.

Shah Ruhk's POV
“Im sorry” I whispered under my breath as I sat with my back against her door under the freezing rain. “Im sorry Mera Pyaar”

Sucky ending I know. But hey I updated something today. I hope y'all like it. If y'all do then leave it a vote maybe. Comment some suggestions and maybe share it. Lol I'm kidding. Love y'all my beautiful readers.

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