Lost at Sea

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Chapter One

I guess you could say it all started when my parents told my sister and I that we were going on a Hawaiian cruise. As you can assume, we were completely thrilled! My sister instantly let out a huge shriek and started to bombard our parents with questions. I swear anyone within a mile radius got their ear drums seriously busted.

"OMIgosh! When is it? Where is it? When do we leave? How long will we be there? What should I pack? My friends will be soooo jealous!"

My dad, who looked pleased that she was enthusiastic, tried his best to answer all of them, "It is in Hawaii, we're leaving tomorrow, we're going to stay there a week, and pack what you will need for that time"

She let out another scream when he said tomorrow. As soon as she was done, we both ran through the kitchen, up the stairs, and down the hall to the room that we share.

Before I go on without story, I should introduce myself. My name is Anna, and I'm fifteen years old. I am close to being classified as a tomboy, but I don't like sports that much. Unless of course it's volleyball or soccer. My hair is brown, and I usually wear it in a ponytail.

My sister's name is Lilly, and she is two years younger than me at the age of thirteen. On the opposite hand, she's a girlie girl. I'm sure that she has never gone a week without wearing pink. Her hair is dark being close to black, and she seems to wear it different every day. What not many people assume is that under all that makeup, she is a total book worm. I love reading too, so we do have some things in common.

When we get to our rooms, I pry open my closet doors, and I can hear Lilly doing the same. My eyes roam my closet, looking for what to bring.

"Anna?" Lily asked me from side..

After sighing, I respond by saying, "Yes, Lilly?"

"Should I pack my pink swim suit, or my green one?"

Fashion questions are practically the only ones that I can't answer, but I reply anyways.

"Green, but you shouldn't ask me."

Lilly gives me a glance, blinks, then says, "I'll bring pink."

I sigh and roll my eyes, but then I hear footsteps in the hall. I glance in that direction, and see Mom standing there holding two objects.

She looks amused, and says, "Girls, I thought you might need these."

Lilly peeks her head out of her closet, then shouts, "Our suitcases!"

I think, yes, we might be needing those! Mom hands the pink one with orange, green, and purple flowers to Lilly; then the green one with a forest looking pattern to me.

"Thanks Mom," Lilly and I chorus, holding our suitcases. I go back to gazing into my closet, debating which pieces of clothing would be the most durable and useful on the cruise. Ten minutes later, my suitcase is all packed, zipped, and ready to go. I then turn to see Lilly's also filled, but she's sitting on it tyring to zip it up.

"Need some help?" I ask Lilly, trying not to laugh, but horribly failing.

Lilly shoots me a glare. "Yes, I think you can tell!" She answers.

I finally manage to successfully stop laughing, and go over to where she is. We lean on the suitcase together while I struggle to zip it up. When we're done with that episode, we wheel our suitcases down the hall, and put them at the top of the stairs for tomorrow.

Directly after, we go back to our rooms, change into our pj's, and fall asleep.


The next day, I wake up at 3:00am. Dad said we have to catch an early plane to go to the boarding dock. I glance at my sister who is still asleep,

"Lilly, get up!" I shout.

She doesn't budge, so I yell, "We're going on a cruise!" No response.

"There will be shopping places!" I try. Still nothing.

"Boys from everywhere!" I shout even louder.

With this she jumps straight up. I sigh and think to myself, 'Typical 13 year olds."

Lilly hops off the bed after a moment, grabs clothes, and changes in the bathroom while I head downstairs to grab breakfast.

When I enter the kitchen, I see my parents are already dressed and ready. I quickly grab a banana, and was about to ask when we were leaving when Lilly runs in wearing a lacy pink tank top and a white skirt, carrying a bunch of more outfits.

The first things she asks is, "Does this look okay? Or should I wear this..." She indicates an outfit in her left hand. "... Or this..." An outfit in her right hand. "Or..."

She continues holding up different pieces of clothing. I stop listening after the fifth skirt.

When she finally finishes, I ask, "Do you ever wear tee-shirts, or jeans, or even sneakers?"

Lilly sighs, exasperated, as though I had just asked her if the sky was blue and responds, "Duh! I have to wear sneakers for gym!" Her tone called me a moron.

"Besides then?"

"Yard work."

"You are such a girl."

"Well I am one!" Lilly rolls her eyes. "What's your excuse for not being one?"

"And what's that supposed to mean?!" I retort.

Lilly just rolls her eyes and walks away after that. I guess I can assume she is changing, but who knows? I go to my room to put on everyday clothes. Unlike Lilly, I grab jeans and sneakers. Then I pull on a tee shirt with band logo so faded, you couldn't even tell what it was. When I finish, I head back downstairs grabbing my suitcase on the way. Lilly is already there, now wearing a white top, and skinny pink pants.

Dad stands up and says, "Now is everybody finally ready to go?"

We all nod excitedly, and head towards the car. As soon as we get there Lilly panics and shouts, "Wait! I forgot my makeup bag! It has my mirror, hairbrush, and everything!"

My mom, no doubt amused, motions for her to run and get it quickly. Lilly instantly takes off. 'She can really run fast' I think, 'If only our gym teacher ran with a makeup bag in front of her face during the mile run, then she would've totally beat me.'

My sister soon comes back, carrying yet another bag, while brushing her hair at the same time.

"Okay, now I have everything I need!" She says, adding mascara to her eyelashes. 'This makes sense,' I think sarcastically, 'She needs to look nice for the airport."

The drive down is normal, but normal is still boring. My sister is blasts her One Direction music, while trying to sing along. Why does she listen to that junk? To drown out the noise, I pull my own i-pod out of my pocket, and listen to Green Day. 'Better' I say to myself.

Soon after, I fall into a dreamless sleep until I'm rudely shaken awake by my sister.

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