Prologue- Fiction and Fact

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Dreaming is a lost concept. For decades now, the concept of dreaming has dwindled; the last light of wishful thinking has burnt out. 

People forgot what it was like to dream, and things like fiction- books, films, TV Shows just... stopped being made. It wasn't like, one day they were being created the rest they weren't. No. Just, over time they faded out of society. Faded away to nothing. Societies greatest gift... lost.

Some people still tried to relight the flame of imagination, but fiction was lost. Dreaming was lost. Imagination was lost. People forgot about vampires. People forgot about werewolves. People forgot about ghosts. People forgot about the magic that you could make with pen and paper- nothing more. People forgot about superheroes saving the world and people forgot about the monsters that they had to fight to do that.

And, most unfortunately for the majority of humanity, people forgot about what the dead could do from beyond the grave. People forgot about the possibility of zombie apocalypses. Science disproved them one too many times. So people left them behind.

Of course, not everyone forgot. Just like in any good dystopian novel from the 21st century, people go against the norm. People who end up changing the world are typically the ones who go against the norm. The ones who were perceived as slightly strange in the head. Lia and Francis were two of those people. The people who still held onto their vintage Harry Potter collections, their vintage Percy Jackson collections. Their Patrick Ness collections. Their Terry Pratchett, their Neil Gaiman, their Douglas Adams collections. The people who still watched Star Wars, who still listened to My Chemical Romance or Fall Out Boy or Breaking Benjamin or Linkin Park. The people who still held on to the old human cultures of dreams and fiction and imagination.

They were the people prepared for what was going to come in the future. Even though they didn't know the inevitability of the downfall of humanity, they were the ones who had jokingly prepared themselves for it. They were the ones who had binge watched the Walking Dead over and over.

Francis and Lia.

The heroes of this story. Never destined to be heroes. They weren't born to change the world. It wasn't some secret ability that the their stubborn loves of fiction, and their habits of hiding themselves away from the fact of the world through reading, writing and binge watching TV shows.

It's funny how, in the apocalypse, it was these 'outcasts,' who saved humanity from its own forgotten-about, disregarded dead.

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