Chapter 14

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I wake up in my bed. My mom and dad are sitting on each side of the bed. How did I get here. The last thing I can remember is shouting at Kevin.

"Honey, how are you feeling?" My mom asks.

"What happened, Princess?" My dad continues.

"I probably just had a blackout, that's all."

"Get in some more rest, tonight, we are going to have dinner, but it is like a meeting," mom said.

I just nod and lay back down on my bed, they walk out the room and close the door.


Six o'clock the afternoon, I wake up. I sit up in my bed. I decide to go make myself some hot chocolate. When I'm back, I FaceTime Mia.

We talk for like almost two hours, it is almost eight o'clock. I hear something, someone is calling my name, but like that creepy kind of way.

"I'll call you back," I quickly say to Mia and put the phone down.

I walk to my door, just to get better hearing and maybe seeing someone. I hear it again-

I recognize the voice it is Rose's voice. I see her under, at the living room. She has a knife in her hand. I quickly lock my room door. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. "N-i-c-k-e-y"
I run to my bathroom and lock myself in. My hands can't stop shaking. I feel numb, like I'm going to pass out any second. Stay strong I tell myself. I decide to call, Kevin. Pick up the phone, Kevin. Pick up! Please, just pick up! Finally he picks up! "N-i-c-k-e-y" she is knocking on my door. Well, actually slamming into it.

"Kevin, I need your help!"

"Now you need it! What's up?"

"Rose is in my house, trying to kill me or something. Please just come as quick as possible."

Before he can answer, I put down the phone. I'm so scared, what will she do, if she finds me? Will she find me? Will she kill me? Will she stab me with that knife? I hope Kevin believes me and comes.

"N-i-c-k-e-y" the voice keep saying over and over. It feels like hours, when suddenly I hear Kevin's voice. I open the bathroom door and walk to my room's door. I listen closely.

"Rose, I can't believe you would do something like this. I think it is better, if we don't see each other anymore."

"But but," she tries to explain.

"Nothing, just go."

After a few seconds, I hear the front door close. I hear some footsteps come, back up the stairs.

"You can come out now, it is safe," he says with a soft voice.

I open the door, we just look into each other's eyes, trying to understand, but we don't.

"Well, I'm sorry, I saved you, I guess, this was probably the last time, something like this will not happen. I will go now."

He turns around and walks down the stairs.

"Wait! No! Please stay, Kevin. I'm scared. Just till my parents come back."

He turns back around and walks again up the stairs, he come stands in front of me, looking me straight in the eye.

"Don't hit me, when I do the following," he says.

He comes closer and gives me a hug, my tears began rolling down my cheeks, it just got worst. The more I cried, the tighter, he holded
me. We walked down the stairs to the living room. We just sat there, he put his arm around me hugging me again. The tears didn't quite stop. My head rested on his shoulder. I was scared and he made me feel safe. Before my last tear can roll off my cheek, he sweeps it off.
My vacation is a total mess:
- James cheated on me
- I was drunk
- Someone is stalking me
- Rose tried to kill me
- Kevin is the only one here for me, giving me comfort.


Kevin wakes me up, I must have fell asleep on his shoulder.

"Your parents are here, their going to flip, if they see me here, eleven o'clock."

I stand up, we take a light jog to my room. He is going to climb through the window and then he is going to in at their back door.

"Thank you,"is all I get out.

He turns back from the window, walks to me and gives me a kiss on the forehead and hugs me tight.

"Everything is going to be just fine, believe me."

He is within seconds out of my room. I lay on my bed, rethinking everything, well again I fall asleep...

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