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                     I wake up in the morning, realizing your going to be here today. I was a little scared. Not that you were coming over, but that my mom might say my name. I walk downstairs.

"Hey mom. When Riley comes over today, would you mind not saying my name?"

"Why not?"

"See, from the moment we met, our friendship had been different. I'm an introvert, she's an extrovert. I don't talk much. Most of my communication is body language. Riley has never figured out my name, she's asked about my name, but I never told her."

"Why haven't you told her?"

"Honestly, I don't think names are that important. Names don't mean a whole lot to me."

"Then what does she call you?"


"Why Dove?"

"She said that would be a story for another time."

"So I can't say your name?"


"Alright, I'll try."

As I ate breakfast I got a text message from you.



"You ready for today?"

"Yea. Are you ready to meet my mom?"

"Can't wait :)"


"I'll see you later, what time should I meet you by the bench?"



At 1:30 I started getting ready. I don't know why I was nervous. I shouldn't be nervous, I see you everyday. Maybe it's because I wanted to share my feelings with you. I knew I couldn't, I shouldn't. I don't know. Should I?

I was overthinking. 'Of course you shouldn't tell her. She would never like you.' I thought. This kept repeating in my head. I put on a black long sleeve shirt, jean jacket, black jeans, and my vans. By 1:45 I walked out the door. It only takes me 5 minutes to get there, but I decided to stop by the store and grab some popcorn, candy, and ice cream. I assumed we would watch movies like we normally do. I got there at exactly 2. You were there, your golden hair in a ponytail, with little strands out on the side. When you saw me you smiled your beautiful smile. You gave me a hug, a long hug.

"Are you ready Dove?"

I nodded.

When we got to my house, I opened the front door to my mom running towards us.

"Is Riley here?" she said excitedly.


"Hi Riley, I've been looking forward to meet you, I've heard a lot about you!"

"Thank you! I'm happy to finally meet you!" you said.

We talked for a good 2 hours talking to my mom, she wanted to get to know you and to be quite honest, I found out some stuff about you too.

Damn, you are so beautiful. I want to tell you so bad. I can't. I don't have the courage.

"Alright, well, do you guys wanna eat dinner? I made spaghetti? Do you like spaghetti Riley?"

"Yes, I do, thank you."

"Let's eat!"

We all sat down at the table.

"So have long have you guys been friends?" my mom said breaking the silence.

We looked at each other.

"Probably about 1 month."

"Really, only a month?" you said.

"I think so. I guess a month feels like a year."

"I guess you're right."

"Alright well I let you guys do your thing, I'm gonna go see some friends." said my mom.

"Alright, bye."

When my mom left, we went into my room. I lived in a decent size house. It was a ranch, but we had a finished basement, so my room was down there. The whole basement was basically mine, it's where I would go to bring friends, if I had any.

We laid down on the floor in the basement, our heads beside each other.

"If you don't mind me asking, is it just you and your mom? Or does your dad live with you too? It's just that I've never heard you say anything about your dad."

"It's just me and my mom. My dad left us when I was 6. He took my little sister too. He disappeared and we haven't seen him since."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's alright, we're better off without him anyways."

"Are you still wondering why I picked the nickname Dove for you?"

"Yea actually. Why?"

"Dove is a symbol of love, it also means beautiful."

"Oh. But I'm not beautiful."

"Shut up yea you are."

"Thanks." I said smiling.

We got up on the couch and turned on a movie and made some popcorn. We were up until about 2 o'clock in the morning watching movies. Once the movie series was over, we didn't really have anything to do. We sat up on my bed.

I wanted to tell you so bad.

"Hey Dove?"

"Yes Riley?"

"Can I tell you something?"


What was she going to tell me? I was scared, I was nervous I didn't know what to do.

"You just mean so much to me, it's like, I've been looking for you all my life, and now you're finally here. It's like you've been a missing piece of a puzzle in my life."

I smiled.

About 30 minutes later of us sitting there and talking about random subjects, we lay there in silence.

I was tired of waiting to tell you. I didn't know what your reaction would be, but I had to tell you. I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Can I tell you something?"


"I've been wanting to say this, since I knew I did. See, well, I-"

I was cut off by the sound of the door opening.

"Hey guys I'm home!" My mom called down to us.

"So what were you saying?" you said.

"Just that... I really appreciate you too."

AN: thinking of doing a part of the story from Riley's point of view? Opinions? Let me know. Next update coming soon.

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