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Adele Adkins

"Daddy, I'm going out to shop!," I call, grabbing me white Chanel, over-the-shoulder purse.

"Alright, be careful, bring Jenson and Hughes," he instructed.

Jenson and Hughes were my bodyguards and they were pretty intimidating.

"Jenson! Hughey! Let's go!," I called.

I always messed with Hughes, calling him Hughey. It was a joke, he called me crazy names all the time.

"Alright sass master," I heard none other than Hughes himself say.

See what I mean?

"Don't be a stick in the mud Hughey,"

I shook my head, and they followed me out the door.

"Whatever shorty," he shrugged.

"Leave her alone Hughes," Jenson said, and I smirked.

"Haha," I said.

"Childish," Hughes sang.

"Now who's being childish?," I raised an eyebrow. He rolled his eyes, a smile sneaking into his lips.

They were the best bodyguards, they weren't strict, and they always cut up with me.

We all filed into the limo, and Jameson took me to the mall. He was my limo driver.

"Thanks Jameson!," I smile, leaving him $50, as a I got out.

Hughes and Jenson followed me, staying close.

"There she is!,"

"It's her!,"

"Princess Adele!,"

Uh oh..

Hughes stood in front of me, as cameras flashed and blinded me.

"Princess, how's King Edward?," fine duh.

"Is it true that he abuses you?," abuses me?

He's never laid a hand on me in a harmful manner. My father loved me.

"Is that why your mother left?," no. She left because it just wasn't working for them anymore. The feeling was mutual, for both of them.

"Princess! Are you secretly a wild child?," no.

"What about that club you attended last Friday?," I was just trying to be a regular 17 year old girl, for once.

"Princess! Princess!," what?! Shut up!

It all overwhelmed me immensely. I felty breathing become heavy and I clutched my chest.

"P-please, let's l-leave," I told Jenson. He looked at me and nodded, as we pushed past reporters and paparazzi.

We got into the mall and away from those low-lives.

They always made me feel like crap.


I walked into Top-Shop and looked around at the clothes.

I saw a black hoodie, with Love All Equally written across the back.

I looked through the sizes and got one in my size. I walked over to the pants and grabbed a maroon pair, a light brown, black, and white pair as well.

I looked at other stuff and grabbed a few other items.

I walked to the register and Hughes looked at me. "You alright?," he asked.

"They just don't know when to stop," I mumbled, shaking my head.

I smiled and nodded.

I paid for the items and visited other stores of course, and stopped by Starbucks.

Because who doesn't love Starbucks?

As I was walking out, I collided with a firm chest. I fell down and Hughes immediately caught me.

"Watch where you're going!," he snapped. I brushed myself off, and narrowed my eyes.

"Who do you think you're talking to?," I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"You, are you stupid too?," he spat at me, and I gasped.

"Excuse me sir, do not--,"

"Do not speak to me that way," I cut Jenson off.

"Or what? You're just another low-life anyways," he rolled his eyes.

"Don't be so quick to judge," I said, turning on my heel.

I walked towards a different exit, Jenson and Hughes following right behind me.

"He was.. rude," Jenson said.

"No shiz," I said.

"He doesn't know you obviously," Hughes said.

"Who does he think he is?" I grumbled, folding my arms across my chest, as we all filed back into the limo.

I hope I never run into that jerk again.

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