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Simon Konecki

I waited for Adele to get back and saw one of her bodyguards looking at me.

"Something I can help you with?," I raised an eyebrow at him.

He raised his eyebrows.

"No nothing, just don't hurt her," he told me. I smirked.

"Why would you think I would do such a thing?," I asked.

"Because you're a no good player, and you don't deserve her," he tells me.

My jaw clenched.

"You aren't her father, you don't get to tell me I don't deserve her,"

"But I know her father wouldn't approve of you two, so you better not hurt her, or I'll tell him,"

"Is that a threat?," I narrowed my eyes.

"It's a promise Konecki." He says firmly.

"Well you won't have to worry, because Adele is my everything," I roll my eyes, and walk away from him.

I walk into the kitchen and sigh.

"What's the matter Simon?" Eden asks, sliding me a glass of Lemonade.

"Thanks.. nothing just thinking," I tell her, pressing the glass to my lips.


"One of Adele's bodyguards, Hughes I think, he told me I wasn't good enough for Delly, and I didn't deserve her," I said, my heart throbbing at the thought.

"Oh honey, he doesn't mean it, Adele is like a daughter to him, and he doesn't want her to get hurt, he doesn't understand the way you feel," she tells me.

"I really really like her Eden," I smile, my thoughts wandering to my baby girl.

"Just between you and I, she really likes you too Si."

A grin breaks across my face and I shake my head. "Does she really?,"

"Yep, she was telling Esther and I the other day,"

"I can't wait for her to be home."

"Well King Edward has duties to attend to in an hour, so they should be home any minute, did you finish your daily chores?,"

I nod. "I did,"

"We're home, is lunch ready Eden?," I hear King Edward's voice.

It was low but firm. Kinda intimidating.

I watched Adele walk in with her father, she saw me and grinned.

"I had fun with you love, but I have duties to attend, will you be okay?," King Edward asks her.

"I'll be fine dad, I love you," she reaches up, and places a soft kiss against his cheek.

"Love you too love, have a wonderful evening," he tells her, then exits with a plate of food.

Adele walks over and climbs into my lap. "Hey," she greets.

I smile at her. "Hey princess,"

"I missed you," she mumbled, tracing the hairs on the back of my neck.

Shivers ran through me.

Eden smirked at us. "I'll leave you two alone," she said, walking out of the kitchen.

I felt Adele's lips against mine, and I smiled, kissing her back. She tangled her hands into my hair, a soft groan escaped my lips.

"I want it again.." She mumbled, rocking her hips against me.

"Fuck," I curse, feeling my erection rise to surface.

"Please.." she mumbled, her lips press against my neck.

I pick her up and her legs wrap around my waist, as I carry her up to her room.

"Wait! Esther is cleaning my room, go to a spare one!," she says quickly.

I open a random door and close it behind me. I lay her across the king sized bed and rip of her dress.

She gasps and I smirk down at her.

I look down examining her body and lick my lips, my fingers run over the wet spot on her white lace panties.

"Did daddy make you wet princess?," I mumbled, placing a kiss against the fabric of her panties.

She gasped. "I made you so wet.." I rubbed my nose against her core, making her moan.

"Please.. please.. please!," she begged, tugging at my hair.

"Please what baby, tell daddy what you want, I'll make it happen," I rubbed her thighs soothingly.

"I want to ride your face Simon," she leads.

I smirk.

"Then do it," I say, pulling off her panties.

I lay down and she positions herself over my face, her body shaking. "I don't want to hurt you.." She mumbled.

"You won't, now gimme," I yank her hips closer.

She smiles.

"Ride my face princess, and moan for me," I instruct, and she nods quickly.

Princess | A.A.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora