2. "beep beep!"

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real life

"kathrine diane sundel what the fuck was that?!" richie exclaimed as he stormed into the brunette's room, his facial expressions mixed. 

"what is what?" kathy asked innocently as she shifted herself so that the red blanket could cover more of her legs, which were freezing more than usual. 

the dark-eyed boy scoffed and plopped on her bed, resting horizontally across it and propped his head up with his hand, looking through his phone in another. 

"this is what I was talking about!" he shoved the phone into her face, showing her the comment section of her latest photo. 

kathy's expression remained emotionless, her dark eyes skimming through the comments. "i don't see what's the problem."

"ugh kathrine!" richie turned sideways so that his back was pressed against the soft matress. "you're so blind sometimes, you know that?"

"right back at ya buddy." kathy shoots back, not even bothering to look at him as she popped her bubblegum, scrolling through her social media to see if something could grasp her attention. 

Richie stood up on his knees, them digging into the matress as he rolled his eyes and plucked the girl's phone out of her hands and instantly ran out of the room. 

"Richard Mason Tozier, you get your ass back here with my phone right now!" Kathrine demanded, trying to remove the blankets that she had wrapped around herself as quickly as possible. 

Richie's head peeked out of the doorframe, a devilish grin on his face. "Also, it's Teeter, not Tozier, Sandels." He corrected and threw a wink just before leaving once again just as Kathy came free of the blankets. 

"That's it, Teeter!" The brunette dashed out of the room, chasing a now screeching Richie all around the house, yelling some other unkind words and death threats at him. 

She finally caught him in the living room and jumped on his back, tackling him to the couch. "Gotcha!" 

"Damnit!" Richie cursed and looked at Kathy, there eyes locked in for just a second before they bursted out laughing. 

"But damn, Sundel, the words that you said to me 20 seconds ago, " The dark eyed boy chuckled, shaking his head and whistled. "you sure you kiss your momma with that pretty mouth?" 

Kathy wrinkled her nose at Richie's statement or two words to be exact and wacked him, laughing. "Beep, beep, Richie!"

Richie faked-gasped and putted his hand on his heart. "I'm scarred! How dare you compare me with that monster?!" 

"Because your literally like him, dumbass!" Kathy managed to explain in between her fits of laughter as she leaned back onto the couch. 

Then all of a sudden, Kathy felt as if all of the air from her lungs were suddenly sucked out as a familiar beeping sound came from her watch she kept hidden in her demin jacket. her heart beat was speeding up, causing this feeling she hated.  

"Hey, hey, hey, Kathy, I need you to calm down." Richie directed as he moved over to Kathy and wrapped a comfortable arm around her waist loosely to sit her straight up from the couch. 

The brunette realized a lot in three seconds; like how hard she was wheezing and how Richie's voice sounded muffled as if he were wrapped up tight in a blanket. She noticed how fuzzy her vision was as if somebody had smeared paint all across the room, making the colors look all mixed up. 

suddenly, she felt something plastic touch her lips, it's shape was almost rectanglar. kathy realized that she must've seemed puzzled because richie spoke up, answering her question swarming in her thoughts. "it's your inhaler." 

she nodded and took three puffs of inhaler, the beeping sound slowly stopping as her heart rate returned to normal. 

"you okay?" richie asked, removing the inhaler away from her lips, his fingers moving a circular motion around her hip bone. 

her mouth suddenly felt dry so she just nodded her head. tears slowly started to fill her eyes as one of them skipped down her cheek. she hated that feeling, the feeling of hear your own heart give up on itself. 

it scared her every fucking time. 

richie pulled the burnette closer as she silently cried, her breathing remaining shaky but even as she prayed this will all stopped some day. 

and when that day came, she wouldn't  mind. 

a/n: ugh i felt like this chapter sucked 

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