Chap 5: No Distractions? Think again

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Lessons moved on smoothly afterwards. The girls kept shut, no blatant ogling and no invasion of personal space. I felt bad for the loud noises I made earlier, well slightly. But I’m glad they won’t be doing something anytime soon.

After that, I felt that I could explain to Jungkook. That was the least I could do to make it up to him. I mean he could have thought i was a hypocrite, since I ‘hated’ him but yet I helped him out today.

He took it easy, but then again i wasn’t that sure if he understood.

During english class, I taught him to make simple sentences and phrases he could use like ‘can I have this’ and ‘where is (some common places)’. To his credit, he seemed very keen in learning english too -- he kept asking me questions when he was in doubt. When he gave me a confused look or hesitation I took initiative to repeat again in more detail. With the help of google translate of course.

Now I could relax around him, which was great. My body got a lot lighter after removing that weight off my chest.

(Idk about you guys but when I feel scared or nervous after thinking too much of a daunting task, it doesn’t really help. So for example I need to ask the teacher a question that is maybe it’s a bit serious -- ‘hard to ask’ questions, my brain kinda goes on autopilot mode. I start asking when I meet him/her without me registering what I just did. Sometimes I don’t think much when I say things -- it’s quite dangerous if you something the wrong stuff though, but it helps me since I tend to worry too much and makes me hesitate more.)

Why? Because if you keep on holding it back and keep thinking about it, you’ll be more scared or nervous and that doesn’t help at all. You will keep hesitating and in the end you won’t be able to get it done. The worst feeling you would receive is regret and it’s not erasable.

“It wasn’t bad right?” Jasmine slapped me on the back, which is a rather painful one that is, strangely, her reward for a job well done.

I hiss slightly from the pain. “Yeah it sure is,” I replied with sarcasm.

She rolled her eyes as we walked down to the cafeteria together, noticing the stares from the girls we encountered in the morning. Thankfully, they learnt to keep a distance from jungkook when he arrived and as he took a seat right next to me.

Well, when you have a crazy crowd,
Advice 1: we need to stay together
Advice 2: whistles are a must (A/N: and folks don’t try does in real life 😅😅)
Advice 3: distractions

Advice 3 is rather useless now since the most hottest guy is over here.

Although he’s fine now, I can’t help worrying for him. What was it like in korea? Was it crazier over there? Is that why he tried schooling here, to see if life was better here?

He’ll be here only for a few weeks or so...  will there be someone like us there to protect him?

Even in his short presence I have grown slightly attached to him, thinking of him as younger brother But I can’t possibly fly to korea because I’m a broke kid.

Hoping that he’ll be okay after he goes back, I tried focusing on eating and chatting with jasmine and jungkook and do what what I can to make his stay here enjoyable and memorable.

.…..(Time skip slightly to about 10 mins later).......

About what I said regarding advice 3, I decided that take it back.

Jasmine nudged me hard and pointed to the cafeteria entrance, squealing a little while grabbing me by my left arm and shaking me non-stop.

Walking away from the entrance and towards us was Taehyung.

And trust me I wasn’t ready to meet him. I think I might have a crush on him, just a little bit. My heart lurched downwards when he was on his way to us, and then I started to get all nervous.

What am I supposed to say when he gets here? He doesn't know a lot of english after all.


Why didn’t I notice earlier that jungkook and taehyung knew each other? I mean, they are the only two hot guys who speak korean…

I think my brain did an auto shut down after meeting tae.

(Insert hobi’s shut down effect)

Author note:
ll the reviews are now done!! Phew I finally did it ^^ now that exams are over, I be updating more frequently now, but Imma plan ahead first. The next update will be in a week or so. Hopefully.

Follow my twitter account @8thbtsmember for the newest updates ^^

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