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Now I know what you're thinking,

'Oh no! Adam's participating in class. How did this happen?' Well sometimes you have to participate to avoid further participation.

You can thank Thor: Ragnarok for those opening words. And yes I'm giving credit because I really don't want to get sued here on the what first five lines?

"Mr. Lennart?" The 37 year old alcoholic man said, for what was probably the 87th time, don't quote me on that I wasn't really counting.

"The answer my dear teacher is clearly 43," I replied. Don't ask me why I said 43 I'm not sure  but that number is just pretty and dare I say it sexy. Yeah numbers can be sexy don't judge me.

Mr.Hart gave a long tired sigh and pinched his the bridge of his nose as if trying to keep himself from murdering me. I really wasn't trying to make his life hard, honest. He has loads of problems, like his alcoholic one. Don't ask me how I know that, actually just don't ask me any questions. The point is I was trying really hard here but it's not my fault I keep getting distracted.

What's the object of my distraction? Well this I actually can answer, he goes by the name of Leonardo Garcia, but I just call him daddy, just kidding... mostly. Anyways he's my boyfriend, well he doesn't really know it yet of course but he will be soon maybe tomorrow or on my birthday or on his birthday or maybe on Christmas much more romantic- no wait that's Valentine's.

"Mr. Lennart."

Whoops see I got distracted again, man that boy should really come with a caution sign.

"Yes Mr. Hart?" I answered sweetly, because I'm a soft boy I'm a sweet boy I am a tol boy though. Not small at all.

"It seems you have forgotten that this is English class and not math class," his reply was curt and I could tell he was really trying not to throw me out the window.

"I'm sorry I promise to pay more attention."

He let out a sigh probably thinking that was a lie. And he was definitely right.

Poor man, maybe I should buy him some nice flowers as an apology. I wonder if he's allergic to them?

Anyways back to Leo, he was the small boy. He has such soft and curly hair that I just want to touch it and such soft and luscious lips that I want to corner him and just- wow there getting ahead of myself. Sorry for any innocent person who might be looking through my mind. He looked mildly amused at the interaction between Mr. Hart and I, there was a small smile tugging at his lips and honestly I could get ran over by a car or stabbed one thousand times but it wouldn't matter. I. Did. That. I made the most beautiful man on earth smile. 

"Mr. Lennart."

Oh boy, I wonder what I did now.

"Yes, Mr. Hart?"

"The bell rang five minutes ago," there he goes pinching the bridge of his nose again.



And so I promptly got up and ran.


As usual I ran for nothing.

English was my last period. Of course I hadn't realized that until I ran for about ten minutes to well, I'm not sure I'm too dependent on google maps to know where anything is. One thing that managed to catch my eye however was a small shop, squished between two large apartment buildings that it seemed to be easily overlooked. Not by me though, my vision is so good I'm like Hawkeye, yeah I like Marvel sue me.

Upon closer inspection I noticed it was a flower shop and thoughts of getting Leo- I mean Mr. Hart some apologetic flowers flooded my mind. (And maybe there was a small thought floating through my mind about getting Leo some flowers but it was hardly there, honest.)

I decided to go for it after all I, Adam Lennart lover of animals, record setter for the most times anyone has barfed, destroyer of jenga, knew when a proper apology had to be made. (And maybe Leo likes flowers.)

Pushing the door open the little bell attached to it made a jingle signalling someone had entered the shop. The first thing I noticed was how aesthetically pleasing it was. It was painted a pastel blue with flowers placed all over the shop some simply for display while the others were of course, to be bought. Fairy lights were hung along the wall and I found myself wondering how they would look once night fell and they would be turned on. There was a piano on the left corner of the shop and a small table a little ways from it.

My eyes then fell on the cashier, it was a girl with dark brown, almost black hair that fell to her shoulders and dark eyes too match. Her skin had a healthy glow to it and she was wearing (from what I could see as half of her body was you know covered behind the register) a large hoodie. My eyes went back to her face and noticed an extremely displeased expression on her face.

"Are you done looking or should I wait another year for you to finish?" she drawled out her voice smooth.

Wait what- aren't flower shop people supposed to be nice and happy and all sunshine and rainbows? Why did this one look like she had a stick up her ass?

"I look like what?"

Oh I had said that out loud.

She gave me one furious glare before promptly punching me in the face.

I admit I deserve that one.


right so I know what all of you are thinking, why is this idiot uploading? Well surprise I'm not dead! Jk I am very dead but summers coming and I'm almost out of school so I thought why not. This is going to be me attempting some humor and failing lmao.  I'm going to try and make scheduled updates for this but I make no promises. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it uwu.


P.S. Dedicated to animelover11211 for pushing on my insanity, and cynthia we can never forget her.

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