Brownie Points

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I was confused.

I was in an oblivion.

I was basically like Mewtwo.

But most of all, I was terribly embarrassed. I was sure I would wake up in the infirmary, and be the laughing stock of the entire school. All my chivalry would be chucked out of the window just by one incident. And to top that, Evelyn would consider me rude as well as a wimp. Oh, the possibilities...

I slowly pried my eyes open for the second time that day and took in my surroundings. The first thing I registered was my head on my school desk, and facing the window.

What the-?

I turned my head to the dark side, nah, kidding, and froze. I was facing Evelyn. Ah yes, seating arrangement.

Evelyn was looking straight ahead. She side-eyed me and her eyes flicked back to the front. "So the sleeping beauty is finally rising and shining."

Her comment was enough to convince me of the impending doom that I just described.

"Did everyone notice that?" I asked with trepidation.

Evelyn's lips formed a thin line and she nodded. "Yup, they did."


"Everyone knows?"

Another nod.

Double shit.

"They laughed?"

A pitiful look in my direction.

Bucketful of shit.

"P-pictures?" By now my throat had dried up, I had trouble breathing, and everything was dazed.

"Unfortunately, yes."

Truckload of shit.

My face had gone as pale as a scared ghost.

Someone clapped me on the back.

"Hey, you alright and alive?"

That's Jones.

I slowly lifted my head to face Jones, to see his face etched with worry.

"Yeah dude, you should not work too hard on your assignments," Jack said.

I blinked. "Assignments? Wh-"

Jack cut me off. "Yeah, assignment. Evelyn here told us that you told her that you were working on some really big assignment for the college. You got so tired that you dozed off. Though I don't blame you. Williams is pretty boring."

I blinked again. "Wh-"

This time I was cut off by a sharp kick in my shin and Evelyn's voice. "Yup, before I could ask what assignment it was he was in his dreamland."

Before I could open my mouth and blow the ruse set up by Evelyn like a paper in hurricane, Evelyn spoke again. "But I think he muttered something along the lines of computer."

Now I was feeling quite a mix of emotions. Profound relief, ridicule, gratefulness and disorientation.

Relief, for my dignity was intact.

Ridicule, for I played right into Evelyn's hands.

Thankfulness, towards Evelyn, for putting up a believable charade.

Disorientation, well, duh, I just woke up.

Jack and Jones returned to their work after sending a flying kiss and a small wave. They were least bothered by girls, their aspirations kept them busy. That is what I liked about them the most.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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