Part III

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Twenty minutes later, at sometime around three in the morning, we arrived at the all night convenience store by the Interstate. Lauren's hand fell into mine and we walked quickly towards the door. However, as soon as I placed my free hand on the glass door, Lauren did a hard U-turn, spinning as fast as she could, her hair falling down to cover her face. This was a practiced motion she had used for years to hide.

"What's wrong?"



Lauren continued under her breath. "Ms. Pep Squad."

I stared blankly.

"Played the flute. Always sat in the front right seat of every class. 'Can't keep a secret' Ally!"

"I have no idea what we are talking about."

"Jesus, Camz. Soccer Team Ally."

"Ohhh!! Ally! What about her? She works here actually. Assistant. Manager, I think. I see her all the time."

"Well. You are about to see her again because she's behind the counter."

I looked up and saw Soccer Team Ally behind the counter. Her hair looked red today. I wondered what color it used to be. She gave me a quick wave. I knew why Lauren had avoided using the name. It seemed that Ally had really only dated two or three guys in all of high school, but they all were on Varsity Soccer, and the rumor spread quickly of something more. But I guess the name had stuck, even if it wasn't true.

"Did you two not get along?"

"Camz! No, it's just..."

"Oh. We are about to buy condoms from 'Can't keep a secret' Ally at three in the morning. So much for privacy about us, huh."

"Welcome back."

I thought about it for a second. "Does it matter?"

"Yes! No! I don't know! I just don't want us to be talked about. Maybe if I don't go in and stay out here."

"Yeah, she might think I've been standing at the door for five minutes with my other Latina friends, because the population is so enormous here in Arkansas."

"OK, fine."

"Lauren, it's actually good luck in some ways. Everyone already thinks we've been at it for years. So if Ally says something, who's gonna think this is new?"

Lauren stood, unmoving. I held the door open for her and after a beat she went in, her hair still covering her face.

Ally called immediately. "Hey, Camila," she said with some energy. "Hey, Michelle," she said with a little less. "Good to see you two together again."

"How's the evenin' treatin' ya?" I asked.

"Butt boring."

"Congrats. Usually you tell me it's Super Ass boring."

"What can I say? Good day. Maybe I just think about butts a lot watching that huge one of yours." I felt Lauren disappear down an aisle.

"Yeah, sure," I said and turned to find Lauren staring at a display of mixed nuts and orange slices. "Hey, Al, which aisle has the contraceptives? Condoms." Did I hear a squeak from the orange slices?

Ally looked at me and then slowly pointed towards the back corner.

"Thanks." I said and went to find Lauren who had vanished. When I finally found her hiding behind a large Miller Lite display, she started jumping and slapping at my chest silently.

Nothing Between Us ➤ CAMREN G!PWhere stories live. Discover now