Interview #1 ItsSue14

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Interview with @ItsSue14 , writer of the Zayn Malik Fan Fiction “Torn”, here on Wattpad.

 Name: Sohayla

 Age: 16

Gender: Female

 Hello Sue! How are you doing? Excited about this?

 Yup… very much :D

  1. How did you get the idea for your story Torn?

  Well... to be honest, I always get these crazy ideas and I started writing them down. I started organizing them and somehow "Torn" appeared xD xD…   I know it sounds lame but this is how I got it... Daydreaming and writing all my crazy thoughts!!

2. Even the best writers get those like that. I think that it's something natural for writers. We're all crazy! Anyways... Tell us, while organizing all these thoughts, did you had to search up for facts about Zayn Malik? While doing mine, I had to do so and it was kind of hard since some facts might be false.

 Well… I know how tricky this can be!! You're just scared to post something wrong and then everyone freaks out. I did know a few things about them like how Niall was afraid of the mobbing fans and how Zayn held his hands (chapter 1). I just use the infos I know and which I'm sure of... I don't like putting myself in the position where I have to use something not 100% true… I try to avoid it as much as I can!! :)

 3. Yeah, because if you make the simplest error of a fact of them, everyone starts to criticize you and start with the Directionator thing. And speaking of which, what do you think about all that thing of Directionator and Directioner? Directioners are getting a little too personal nowadays.

 Exactly… You don't wanna risk that!! Well now that you have brought it up, I have a few things to say about it. Well, this Directioners and Directionator thingy is going too far. So what if they don't know where Zayn was born? Or how many sisters Liam has? Just tell them and let's move on! At first, we were all just beginners. We didn't know everything about the boys. Just give them a chance like other Directioners did when you first started liking this fandom and let's move on... This is what I honestly think about it...

4. I like your way of thinking... :P And yeah, no one started knowing everything! Besides, there's a thing being a fan and know some things, and another thing to be a stalker and insult others because they don't know everything. Okay, next question. The following will be more personal. What is your favorite book?

Exactly. Just because you know one or two things about 1D doesn't give you the right to insult anyone else... And for my favorite book...Easy... Harry Potter. I started reading it when I was 9 and I just fell in love with it. The whole magic and Hogwarts thingy was amazing... It affected me in a remarkable way and I just love J.K Rowling. The movies were splendid and I just love everything about Harry Potter. Every character teaches you a lesson and I just find this wonderful and special ;) You can't help but fall in love with the series ;)

 5. Harry Potter is a book to live on for ages to come. It's really magnificent. I think that covers for favorite author too :P So, what inspires you to read? Quotes, music, people, etc...

Well when I was a kid, I used to read A LOT. I always had a book with me even if it was just a comic. I used to read all kind of stuff, from Mickey Mouse to Tintin, The Road of El Dorado and all these amazing books. Also, I must admit that my grandfather helped me a lot with that, always encouraging me to read and getting me books.  Also my mum used to read me and my brother all kinds of books before going to bed so I guess that helped a lot. Thus, I owe it all to them I suppose. Also, I just like to read so I would improve my English, it always helps me to get ideas and to discover a new style of writing. :D

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