Interview #2 Singtomesoftly

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Interview with @singtomesoftly , writer of Isn't She Lovely, I Wish and To Early To Disappear.  

Name: Everyone just calls me Singtomesoftly or Vin

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female  

Hello! How are you? Excited for this? :)  

I am pretty excited!

1. I've read your three stories and I absolutely love them. They're very creative. How did you get the idea for each of them? Was it a lot of thoughts here and there or just pop, I have this story?  

Well the first story I started writing was Isn't She Lovely and basically I just wrote the first chapter and went from there creating everything as I went along. Now I have the rest planned and everything is going to fit together. Basically when I create a story I just write what I would want to read. To Early To Disappear is an idea that just popped into my head and I Wish came to me in a dream (that sounds kind of creepy).      

2. Haha it doesn’t. Most great authors get ideas from dreams :)   Did you have any trouble with some of the facts? Since some of them may come from sources not 100% reliable and all that.  

I try not to base my stories on all the little facts because I like to make everything my own and adds little twists.

    3. Favorite Book? Impossible question, but there must be a certain one that it’s a wow and has left a huge impact in your life. It can be either published or from Wattpad.  

The Outsiders, it is a book that my public school required everyone to read.  It is what inspired me to want to write. Since the author S.E Hinton wrote it when she was just fourteen. ( I think that's how old she was)    

4. Favorite author?

 My favorite author would be either S.E Hinton or J.K. Rowling.

5. What inspires you to write? Music, relatives, movies, etc.

  Life inspires me!  But to be more specific I listen to certain types of music to write different moods and emotions in chapters; it really helps. Something I also say is;    

                'The boy from under the stairs is my written inspiration                     

                The boys from the stairs are my musical inspiration'                              

6. Favorite One Direction songs? Another hard thing to answer xD Maximum 3 :P  

Jeez, how am I going to pick?  Probably 'More Than This' because they all have solos and Niall's solo is  Then probably 'Up All Night' and 'Tell Me A Lie'  

7. What do you like the most of Wattpad?

I like that you can make friends that have so much in common with you, such as writing and One Direction.      

Random questions :D    

8. Pool or Beach?


9.Strongest subject in school?

Lunch! ah jk it to arrogant to say I am good at all my classes?    

Of course it isn’t :P  

10. Cats or Dogs?

Dogs! (sorry Harry)      

11. Favorite childhood movie? (It doesn't have to be a kids movie just in case xD)

  The Lion King or Dirty Dancing 

12. Live in the Wizarding World or be the sixth member of One Direction?  

This is so hard...Can I use my magical wizard powers to become the sixth member of One Direction? :P

Interesting choice… :)  

13. Favorite food?


14. Favorite Candy?

Gummy Bears    

15. Pancakes or Waffles?

French Toast?     

16. Favorite quote?

I have two favourites.

  'Stay Gold, Ponyboy' - Johnny from 'The Outsiders'  

'I think you have to take me for me. I am who I am'- Harry Styles  

17. Anything else you want to add or say to the people reading this? 

If my fans are reading this, I would just like to say thanks so much for reading and commenting on my stories. Honestly each and everyone of you mean so much to me, and you lovelies are my main inspiration and drive to continue writing :)xx  

And I would like to say thanks to you, for doing this lovely interview!

And that’s it with the interview of @singtomesoftly , writer of the stories Isn’t She lovely, I Wish and To Early To Disappear. If you still haven’t read her stories, I suggest you to start doing because they are absolutely amazing, all three of them.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this and until next time! Thanks for reading and thank you “Vin” ;) for answering to all this :)

PS. Since she mentioned above that she loves The Outsiders and The Lion King, I couldn’t help myself… So I hope you enjoy the gif and the video. It was hard to find a video of the movie since the whole movie is awesome (one of my favs too!), so I just put one if the many funny parts :) xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2012 ⏰

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