Part 1

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The 16th of January 2001, 9:45 pm

It was a Tuesday.

The adult Harry Potter was enjoying life before that moment. He had a stable job; he was a working Auror, a loving relationship and he was still youthful and strong.

There was a content balance in work, half paperwork, half active work which he thoroughly enjoyed, not too stressful and not too boring. His friendships were strong, despite his relationship and he was even reaching out to the Slytherins, on Draco's behalf, and finding them a refreshing change from his Gryffindor company. He was a second father to Teddy, the three-year-old loving him as his own, Harry doing a great job in raising the young orphan with Draco to help. He had no pressing responsibilities and generally relishing in his freedom.

It seldom occurred. So unthinkable, they hadn't considered the idea.

Harry Potter was pregnant.

He didn't know it was conceivable, although he should have predicted it. It shouldn't have been a such a phenomenon to him. It wasn't a large extension of magic's capabilities, and the green-eyed man was never considered to be a typical wizard

He had been getting increasingly sick and refused to go to St. Mungo's, which consequently prevailed to be the better option, as a short, scary, redheaded best friend took it into her own hands.

The home pregnancy test had been a joke at first, only an exasperated Ginny would suggest the absurd impossible. That Harry Potter was a freak.

He knew that from his buried childhood, but it had been resurfaced and his terror was brought back into blinding light.

Harry was scared. He remembered the ridicule he faced from his peers, how excluded he was from society. He remembered the people he thought would love him, sneering in disgust at him for a reason he could not control; being himself.

He was not going to face that trauma again.

He held the positive test in his hands. Draco's words replayed in his mind.

'Oh, wizards can get pregnant. However, it's extremely rare so you won't need to worry love, you're not one of those disgusting creatures.'

'Disgusting creatures? Are they looked down upon in the wizarding world?'

'Oh, heavily! It's an old belief but most people still agree with it. I absolutely hate them! The ministry considers the children and parent as dangerous creatures, so they're taken away, and often killed. That's the one thing the Ministry and I agree on. But you'll be fine, love.'

He would not be fine.

On the impulse of the moment, Harry decided he loved the life growing inside of him. More than himself, more than anyone, except perhaps Draco.

He was scared for the child. He didn't want them to grow up as he did, hiding away from the world and facing the fear of being killed daily. Conditions considered, he saw himself in the child. The kid was destined to be a freak, an outcast, unloved by society and hurt. He swore to himself that he would protect the child and love them unconditionally.

That's why Harry Potter left Potter cottage and the wizarding world that night. He left a befuddled Draco behind with a bright future; a stable job and prejudice protection. He only came back for work and Teddy, the job that he loved so dearly that included being able to meet friends, proof he was still living, and the other young child in his life he loved so much. He didn't need to utter a word about his own child.

Despite his new life, Harry would not leave Draco without the words; I love you, written on his final note.


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