Chapter~6 Interview

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today was the interview with the boys with idk honestly but all the boys told me is to answer some questions and it's going to be mostly going to be about who's most likely to.So it won't be that hard considering that they're going to be all about me I didn't care doe I was like the 6th member of why don't we.

I wake up by Daniel shaking me.

Daniel:yo wake up bro*he said clapping*

You:ok but stop clappin idk why u clappin to*you said while covering your ears with your pillow*

You get up and go to the restroom and do what u gotta do.

YO come back out and u had to go got out and all the boys were waiting for u.
We go in and there is a lot of cameras.

Guy:hey boys and girls we are going to be doing who's most likely too and you can call me Jerry.

The people behind the camera turn on The camera

And gives us a thumbs up.

Jerry:ok so today I'm with the why don't we group and we are going to be doing who's most likely too.

Zach:yes we are*everyone laughs*

Corbyn:it's because they want to get into our private information*oh my lord everyone says*

Jerry:who's most likely to forget a birthday

I try to find Jack

Everyone puts up Jack

Jack:Really bruh I thought none was going to be me but ok

Jerry:who's most likely to have a crush on y/n.

Everyone puts up Zach

Jerry:Really Zach are you and y/n dating

Zach:yup*Zach kisses me on the cheek*


Jerry:alright you heard it here folks

Jerry:who's most likely to  buy stupid things at the store.

Everyone puts you up

You:bruh I mean I can't blame them honestly yesterday I bought clothes that didn't even fit me so I don't blame them and I have bought some other stupid stuff*everyone laughs*

Jerry:who's most likely to fall in love with older men/women

I put up Jonah and so does Jack and Zach.

Danieputs up me and Jonah does the same

You:ok i see how it is *lmao*

Jerry:who's most likely to forget the lyrics to a song

*I put on zach and so does everyone else does and even zach puts it up he's guilty*

Jonah:can we replay when Zach forgot a lyric a few minitues ago.


Daniel:I don't want a girl who gets a car for her sweet sixteen*blahblahblah*

Jack,Daniel,corbyn,jonah:what the hell  are*blahblahblah*

Zach:I don't wanna trust fund baby.

Jonah:no stop stop stop*the music stopped*

Zach:what?*Zach asked confused*

Corbyn,Daniel,Jack and I laugh

Corbyn:those were the wrong words*corbyn said laughing*


You:oh my lord funny moments

Corbyn:right back at ya

Jerry:who's most likely to take a girl out for some coffee

Everyone puts up Jonah

Daniel:it's like Jonah just will wake up like at 7:00 in the morning and take any girl out for coffee.*everyone laughs*


Jerry:well that's all the time we have for y'all we will see y'all next time.*he turns off the camera*

Jerry:thank you why don't we so much I hope u come back.

*we all say thank u for having us then leave*


Hey guys the next chapter will be  where like well you'll fine out and I'm going to call you all my Angels I got that from Loren Gray so ye.So bye my angels byeee.Kkay the last one.ill post next time byeee.

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