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Momo and I took off later that day and I was blasting Black Eyed Peas. Momo was bobbing his head to the music and I was singing joyously. The tension of the last few weeks just melted away and I relaxed. I tapped the steering wheel as I headed back to dad’s hospital. Sam and Dean had peeled off a few miles back so they could talk alone, and I didn’t really mind. My world had been circling theirs for the past year and I wanted some alone time. They had really become the focus of everything since that day they came to mom for help. I wished that I had sent them away. Forced the out of our house and locked the door, stopped them from ever coming in, because then Mom would be here. But I wouldn’t have Castiel.

I shook the thought from my head. I didn’t have Castiel anyways. He was off on his Crusade for God and I was hunting demons and other things that go bump in the night. I may be an angel, and we may have had a kiss, but I wasn’t his, and he wasn’t mine. The thought kind of deflated me so I cranked the radio. Then I turned it off when another love song came on. I was so tired of love. I arrived at the hospital around midnight. I flew up to his window, not giving a damn and tapped on it. Dad looked up and wheeled over, opening it and letting me in. I pulled Mom’s jacket back on and embraced him. He was so solid and real.

“So, tell me what happened.” Dad said. So I did. I told him about how we had all fought, how it was the horseman and how the other three would be out there. Then I told him about how Ellen and Jo were doing, and how Rufus still thought he was too old for this. We talked until the sun came up and I left to go get some coffee. I came back around nine with a bag of Dad’s favorite doughnuts. The doctors still wouldn’t release him, but that wasn’t about to stop me from binging him his favorite foods. We were decimating the doughnuts when I got a call.

“Go for Angela.” I said around a mouthful of powdered sugar and chocolate.

“Hey Angela.” Sam said. He had been crying.

“Sammy, what happened?” I asked kindly.

“I left. Dean and I split up. I was too unfocused, I could have hurt someone. Can, can you come see me please?” he whimpered. I nodded then remembered he couldn’t see me.

“Yeah, sure sweetie. I’ll be there later today. Text me the address. See you later, brother.” I said and hung up. I swallowed my coffee and doughnuts. I looked to Dad. “Call me the second they say you can go home. Don’t care when it is, call me. I love you, Dad.” I said, planting a kiss on his cheek. He smiled gruffly at me and I jumped out the window. I flew to my car and packed some of my essentials in my wing bag, then I took off. I flew above the clouds so no one saw me. Castiel’s feather sped me along, Momo keeping stride with me as always. 

We arrived at a dump heap motel in Oklahoma and I went to Sam’s room, yanking my jacket up over my shoulders. I didn’t bother knocking and went to his side. He was sitting on the bed crying. I sighed. He was so delicate. I pulled him into a hug and rocked him back and forth. He held onto me for dear life, his cheek on the top of my head.

“I can’t do it. I can’t be alone. I hate this.” He whimpered. I sighed.

“I know. I know. It’s hard. But you have to relax. Take some time and get control. Do what you want and follow through with it. Cry yourself to sleep and go to work with a smile. Just breathe deep.” I said comfortingly. We spent the afternoon eating ice-cream and crying. I ended up staying the night. Sam was up at the crack of dawn getting dressed. He wanted to find a job, and I was perfectly fine with that. I helped him find a job as a busboy and left him in good shape. I flew back home and just as I dropped my bag on the floor of Dad’s house, I got the call. I took the Jaguar to the hospital and checked him out.

I grinned at him as we pulled into the drive way of our house. I helped him into his chair and we went up to the door. I had made a quick ramp when I had been living there the last week. The hospital was close to Dad’s house and I had flown back and forth every day. We got inside and I made us some lunch. I had managed to clean the house and everything was organized. Which of course meant Dad couldn’t find a damn thing.

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