The next day

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My blue/green eyes fluttered open and to my surprise he was next to me. I began feeling a smile forming "you're still here. " I lightly stated. His devious smirk appeared again as he  claimed "well of course,  why wouldn't I be?" I felt my face get hot.... I was blushing and I couldn't help but smile more "try the fact that i don't know when I'll be getting out of here. " I relied.  He peered at me for a moment "well sugar,  I do. " I laughed for a moment before responding "sugar? Oh.  And.  I suppose you wouldn't want to tell me when?" he laughed at me "look around your room some more,  you're free to go. " I began looking around my room.  No machines where on,  the board was clear of my name and information and there were no more needles in my arm.  The man stood up and placed his hand in front of me for me to take.  I smiled "what's your name?" he smirked "lucius ,  Lucius Rivers.  Now,  ms. Beth,  you mentioned hanging out correct? So let's go!" he seemed to be beaming as if this was a day he was looking forward to.

He seemed as pure... As pure and honest as he did.  I got up myself and smirked "Yes I'm a lady but I can get up myself." he  chuckled "okay then lead the way then too  why don't you!" he looked at me with his arm out.  I began walking and barely responded "was already planing on it!" he laughed and began following "okay princess" he said with a sweet smile.  As we exited the hospital I looked at him "you wouldn't mind stopping at my house first right? I'm in yesterday's cloths and they aren't all that friendly. " he shrugged his shoulders "lead the way I don't mind at all" after the walk to my house we came in I offered him water and told him to wait in the living room as I changed. I walked out in my cute red dress that had the top and bottom with lace connecting my brown hair up in a neatly messy bun and my glasses on. I looked at him and saw his jaw drop and he just kept staring.  I blushed lightly "w... What? Do I have something on me if something!?" his eyes widened "no no no,  nothing like that at all! You're just beautiful" he said with that deviant smile once again. He pulled me onto his lap and laid a soft kiss onto my lips. I bag an blushing and kissing him back but suddenly flash back to that night came back and I jerked back. He peered at me with concern "what happened? You seemed so into it at first."  I looked down "I have a long past... " he lifted my head up "talk to me about it then,  get it off your chest. " I looked at him with a sigh "well.... It's not all that personal.... So I'll just tell you. I dated someone for 5 years and it ended because I walk in on him with someone else.  So now I guess I just can't trust anyone anymore. " he looked at me with sympathy in his eyes "well I'm not like that" he kissed me once more "so give me a chance?"  I looked down then,  looked at him "if I do this and you hurt me you're gonna regret it okay. " I said is a defensive manner. He chuckled while taking my hand "okay,  well I promise I won't hurt you. " he told me with a charming smile. I smiles believing him for a moment,  but it then changed and formed into a frown me remembering the last promise that was made to me.  He looked at me in concern "I'm not like him" I gave a faint smile and shrugged " i know I'm just exhausted would you mind if we made a rain check so I could sleep?" he left and I went to bed all after I have him my number.

Sorry this one was really long
I hope you're enjoying reading it though:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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