February 2012

714 15 1

(Harrys POV)

'Love is true, Love is the key to life. Two individuals who are truly, deeply in love with one another, are inseparable. That is what they told me but, My prince is off with his girlfriend. I'm still wondering if he even still loves me. ' -H.E.S " I wrote in my book. I've had this book for all my life.

Each age, I will write a paragraph about what's going on. I sigh, ruffling my hair. The other boys asked if I wanted to go clubbing since, it was my birthday. I was too sick, thinking of Louis with Her. I got up from my bed, sniffling. I bet that I look like a mess.

I'm a mess due to Modest Management telling us to sign another contract that if I touch Louis in public or act lovey-dovey, they'll rip the record label contract into pieces. I hear a familiar laugh come from the living room. I slowly walk to the room. I peak through the tiny crack in the door, seeing a figure on top of another.

I slightly push the door open.

"Hahaha, Louis don- mmngh" I heard before, seeing what interrupted an irish voice off. It was my prince and my best mate snogging on the carpet floor. My pupils went small, as I slapped my hand over my mouth. I can already feel tears on my hand. I turned around, and ran.

"Harry! Wait, let me explain!" I hear while I was running upstairs. I ran into my own room, the one that me and Louis don't share. I closed it, and leaned on the door, slowly sliding down to the floor.

'Some birthday, Harry. You see your best mate snogging your own boyfriend. That Calder girl for a bonus.' I thought. I sigh, running my hand through my hair. I get up, and get my suitcase from under the untouched made bed. I put the suitcase on the bed, whilst I walk to my closet. I opened it, revealing that it's empty.

'right.. I took all my clothes into... our room.' I thought. I took my suitcase, and walked to the oak door. I still felt tears streaming down my face, remembering when Louis and I were sitting behind the door few days ago..

- Flashback -

Louis and I were called into the Modest! Management office. Paul picked us up with his black Audi. I was nervous. They sounded so concerned and angry over the phone. Louis put his hand on top of mine, slightly startling me. I looked at his ocean blue eyes as he gave me a small smile. I smiled back, as the vehicle stopped moving.

I turned to look at Paul. He leaned on the steering wheel.

Confusing Passion. [ Larry/Huke ]Where stories live. Discover now