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Sawyer 'Tyler' POV
How did he know.....

That's impossible! If he tells anyone else I would be killed! No one likes Marcus Kane down here. He arrested so many parents he's as hated as Wells and Jaha. I began stuttering
"M-m-Murphy listen you-you can't tell anyone ok?! I'll be killed, people have always hated the Kane's!" I cried desperately. Gripping onto his shirt. His eyes softened and he sighed
"Alright, I won't tell anyone ok?" He looked down at me gripping his shirt. We stared at each other before a loud snap broke though our ears. Murphy pushed me behind himself and pulled out a homemade knife.
"Come out!" He yelled, Murphy didn't seem to notice the bushes moving slightly beside us. But I sure did.
"Come on.. let's head back to camp." Murphy muttered after a few moments of silence. I slightly nodded my head and followed him back.
"When did you find the time to make a knife?" I asked curiously.
"It wasn't that hard really. I made it back on the ARC. I got out of my cell and was able to make it before they caught me." He stated as he Shrugged his shoulder.
"Mind making me one?" I asked hopefully. "down here with all these criminals could be dangerous for a little girl like me." I looked at him and batted my eyelashes for effect, he looked at me for a secound before chucking and nodding.

We made it back to camp in about 10 minutes, we took a small detour when we saw a little stream of water, just to admire an aspect we never had on the ARC, once we were back John came over to us and offered a little idea. Of course we both jumped at the chance and now here I was craving words into the side of the dropship.
Murphy and John soon joined after talking for a few moments as we waiting for Wells to appear, carrying an armful of wood. Once he got close enough he dropped it to the ground in front of us. Once we finally did Murphy spoke first
"Find any water yet? "
"No, not yet. I'm going back out if you wanna come." He never stuttered as he finally glanced at the words on the drop ship
'FIRST SON, FIRST TO DYE' I silently crushed myself for misspelling 'die' Damm Dyslexia. Murphy began to speak again as he looked at the ground, clinching his knife tightly in his right hand
"You know my father, he begged for mercy in the lock chamber when your father floated him.." Wells said nothing as he continued to stare at the gray carved wall. He looked towards us as he began to limp towards us, he roughly brushed past Murphy and muttered
"Spelled die wrong," and when he thought we were out of he shot he added
I growled as Murphy rolled his eyes. John just chuckled at our aggravated looks. I started kicking the ground with the toe of my dusty black combat boots
"You know if your gunna kill someone it probably best to not announce it," I looked up at the sudden deep voice. Said mans dark brown hair was kept back with gel and his grayish eyes burned into mine. He was the fake guard with the sister. And needless to say he was hot as hell
"Your not really a member of the guard are you?" Murphy asked with a chuckled
"No. The real guard will be here soon unless we stop it." he stated without missing a beat when nobody spoke he continued
"You dont actually think they're gonna forgive your crimes, even if they do then what? People like us, we became model citizens now? Get jobs? If were lucky maybe pick up their trash?" He asked
"You got a point!?" John asked angrily
" no I got a question. They lock you up don't you down here like lab rats to die so why are you helping them?"
"Like hell we are!" John growled. Me and Murphy looked at eachother confused.
"You're wearing those bracelets aren't you? Now those things are telling them whether or not it's safe to follow us down here."
"Ok. You said we could stop it, how?" Murphy raised an eyebrow
" take them off. The ARC will think your dead that it's not safe to follow. You follow?" The 'guard' asked as if we were stupid
"Of course we follow! Were not stupid." I rolled my eyes annoyed and crossed my arms over my chest. The guard smiled slightly.
"Right, and if we do? what's in it for us?" Murphy asked cockaly
"Someones ask God to help me run things." He winked at me as he began to walk away.
"Hey!" I yelled out after a few seconds he didn't stop walking, so I ran in front of him and put my hand on his chest, Ignoring the feeling of his rock hard chest.
"Its Bellamy right?" I asked
"What's  it to you, princess?" He smirked. I stuck out my hand
"Tyler. Not princess." I smirked right back. Since he was about I was only up to his chin he lent down slightly.
"Don't worry princess, your just as important as your fanboys." He winked and walked away leaving me standing there confused. My so called 'fanboys'walked over to me
"What he saying girlie?" Murphy asked
"Nothing..." I smiled sweetly and walked away towards the forest for the 3rd time that day

I didn't stop walking for about a hour. It was starting to get dark but i honestly didn't remember my way back to camp. I kept getting this uneasy feeling of someone watching me though. Finally u had enough.
"Alright enough! I have had enough! Who ever you are come out and face me!" I screamed. Sudden I was grabbed by the thoat and and slammed against a tree. I yelped in pain, I became frantic and began clawing at my attacker. Trying to get him/her to let me go.
Get off me, now!"
"Chil au."
"Please let me go! I won't tell anyone I swear!"
I froze in place.
"Please," The deep voice replied in a whisper. " I'm not going to hurt you." I didn't relize he let me go, till I took a deep breathe without his large hand around my thoat. I took in the full view of him. His head was shaved, with face paint over his cheeks. He was almost a head taller then me and I coward knowing how easily he could kill me.
"Who are you?" I asked trying to act brave
"Li-" he was cut off as he heard someone coming. He looked at me once more before spitting away into the forest.
I hid behind a tree as the person emerged from the forest in front of me
"Sawyer I know your here. Come out." I could easily hear the annoyance in his voice. Yet his voice sounded so familiar and I jumped out form my hiding spot when I realized who it was.
"SAMMY!" I screamed as I ran to the person and jumped into the person open arms
"When?! How? Who!"
"Relax, I may have hacked into their systems and changed my age, they don't have a very good tech defense."  He winked as he set my feet onto the ground.  We smiled at each other before drops of water began to hit our heads
"Rain! Sammy is real rain!" I yelled happily
"Ya real rain! Now lets get back before it's to to dark." He smiled at me before taking my hand to lead me back to camp

Guys I'm SO sorry it took so long to update, I lost interest in the 100 for a long time and began watching Once Upon a time. I'm thinking of writing a story or preferences for that..what do you think? Would anyone of you guys like that?
Also I changed Caelyns name to Sawyer, let me know if you guys prefer the name Caelyn for the character rather then Sawyer

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