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"I used to think that I was, but she pushed me away from her earlier today. Aqua even had the guts to ask me kill her with my ice maker magic when she was in the hospital wing." Lyon said sadly

Kathrine's red eyes widen before she clutched her hands tightly. "That's not good...That's not good at all." Kathrine muttered before she bolted off.

Lyon didn't know what Kathrine knew that he didn't so he rushed on after her, unsure of what was going to happen to the blue haired woman that he knew. When Kathrine stopped she was half way through Cracus when they saw Aqua talking face to face with Juvia. Aqua looked depressed as Juvia looked sadden herself.

Kathrine walked up to the two women before she tackled Aqua into a tight hug. "Aqua!"

"Kathrine-let go of me and go back to Sabertooth. I'm not your concern anymore." Aqua said as she pushed the brunette female off of her.

"B-But...I got really worried about you!" Kathrine said sadly

"Aqua, who is this?" Juvia asked confused

"No one important that you need to worry yourself about." Aqua said as she crossed her arms. "Now just remember what I said alright?"

"I don't know if that'll work but I'll do my best with the information you gave me." Juvia said sadly before Aqua left.

"Wait Aqua!" Lyon said loudly

Aqua stiffened as she stopped but didn't look at him. "Leave me alone, I don't want to be bothered by you."

"We need to talk about how you've been acting as of late." Lyon said seriously

Aqua scoffed before she turned her head to narrow her blue eyes at him. "There's nothing to talk about when it comes to my attitude, I'm not the one giving off mix signals." She hissed out coldly

Kathrine looked confused. "What are you talking about Aqua?"

Aqua sighed and turned herself to look at Lyon and Kathrine. "What I speak about is two days prior to today. Do you two remember the 'battle' of Mira-jane and Jenny?"

Kathrine's red eyes widen as she looked to Aqua. "That's what's making you go hostile?!"

Lyon still didn't understand what was going on, but Aqua nodded her head. "Yeah-when the guilds females were joking around while the two battled, the dressing change for a wedding gown. I was ignored for my own sister..."

"I saw that, you had left the arena after that change. You weren't around at all for the third day." Kathrine said sadly

"Mhm...Juvia you know why I didn't." Aqua stated with her arms crossed

Juvia nodded her head before she placed her hands together before she looked to Lyon. "Please leave my sister alone, you've done more than enough to make her want to be sour to everyone."

With what her sister said Aqua turned away and left, she walked through the town until she got to a secluded place away from people, she sighed out before she looked down on her left leg where the emblem of Lamia scale was on her was imprinted.

"Having second thoughts about being in Lamia scale?"A male voice asked curiously

Aqua jumped a bit before she looked to the side of her to see that it was just Gray Fullbuster, Aqua sighed and shrugged. "Kinda, but I don't want to be known as the double ganger of Juvia." Aqua said with a frown

"You two are too different, I don't see why anyone would mistake you for one another." Gray said shaking his head

"You think so Gray?"

"Yeah, at least you don't try to force yourself on people like Juvia does." Gray stated

Aqua looked to him with a raised eyebrow. "She only does that to you because Juvia really loves you. I've seen her act how she does around you before. She's not going to stop until you are with you or until you tell her straight out the fact that you don't love her."

"Really?" Gray asked curiously

"Mhm, she is my sister after all I know her better than anyone even if we had been a apart for a while, she hasn't changed in the slightest."Aqua said with a nod of her head

Icy hearts [Lyon Vastia Mature love story]Where stories live. Discover now