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The next day when it was team versus team, Aqua stayed in the shadows as she didn't want to battle anyone other than Gray and her sister. Which worked as people started to fall quickly, the only person that was left on her team was Lyon-she face palmed herself and quickly went to where Lyon was cutting off Gray's attack from him.

"Two against one? That isn't fair...how about if I even the odds hm?"

Lyon's eyes widen. "Aqua..."

"Don't get sentimental on me, I'm only doing this to save your butt. You shouldn't have let Sherria get hurt like you did you arse." Aqua said narrowing her eyes at him

"Aqua-I don't want to hurt you." Juvia said shaking her head

"Then you're going to go down as easily as you did when I was kidnapped from you all those years ago. You didn't even put up that good of a fight back then, so I don't know how well you'll do this time around." Aqua said before she took the first strike at her sister.

Juvia blocked the attack and she frowned at Aqua. "I was weak back then-I know! But it doesn't have to be like this! You can still make things right Aqua! There's always time to forgive and forget!"

"Forget?! FORGET?! You made me be a victim of a kidnapping and abuse! You have no idea how it feels to be a slave to someone else for so long that you're no longer innocent! I was dumped with that no good ice dragon slayer brat after he almost made us both pregnant! Her moods got too wild for his liking and I became too much to handle. So he knocked us out and left us in a shed like place! " Aqua yelled angered as she continued to attack her sister with everything she had.

She then fell to her knees as she cried. "I honestly thought that you'd be a better sister than this...I thought...I thought that I could lean against you for once in my life. But I can't! You never change!"

Lyon felt bad for what had happened to her and went up to her before he pulled her up to her feet again. "Aqua, it isn't over yet. You can make a new start in Lamia scale, you can show everyone how much better you are. Just please...let us work together this once."

She looked up to Lyon sadly. "I...I guess I can this once." She said sadly

The two duo's did the same spell at the same time only for it to knock out Lyon and Aqua due to the lack of magic that Aqua had left. As they fell she landed on top of Lyon knocked out-unlike Lyon who still had enough energy to be awake. He sat up enough to hold onto Aqua tightly.

"You did well Aqua, rest for now." Lyon said softly to her as he kissed the top of her head

As time went on Aqua did wake up after Lyon took her to the infirmary. He had been sitting beside her the entire time-when she realized he was sitting beside her she turned so her back was to him. "Just what are you trying to prove here Lyon?"

"Can I be around the woman that I care so much about?"

Her body stiffened hearing his words. "W-What do you mean by that?"

Lyon made her look at him once more. "I think you know exactly what I meant."

"I thought....I thought you cared about Juvi-" She said before her lips were sealed with his own.

Her blue eyes widen in utter shock as she felt his lips against hers. It didn't take long for her to close her eyes and kiss him back as she held onto his jacket tightly. "You better not be messing with my heart right now Lyon...I'll kill you if you are."

"I-I'm not...Jeez, don't threaten me like that. I've had time to think about what happened last night-everything you said, I realize that I have made a big mistake. I've been pursuing the wrong woman from the start. Will you be mine Aqua Lockser?"

She teared up as she heard the words he spoke, she then smiled as she nodded her head. Her arms then wrapped around his neck before she kissed him happily on the lips.  Lyon was more than happy to have her finally agree to be with him, after parting from her he smiled at her.

"How are you feeling? Do you think you can get up right now?"

"Mhm, I'll be alright. I may be a bit dizzy at first-I haven't eaten anything in days." Aqua admitted sadly

"I was wondering about that-you need to stop torturing yourself like that Aqua. You are very precious to me, I don't want to lose you so soon." Lyon stated as he slowly helped her up onto her feet. "Let's get you something to eat so you aren't passing out like that again."

Aqua nodded her head as she leaned herself mainly against Lyon as he helped her get from the infirmary to where the guild was. He asked Sherria to keep an eye on Aqua while he went to get something for Aqua. Sherria was okay with what he asked her to do only to have the blue haired woman lean up against her.

"I'm sorry...I'm really dizzy right now."

"It's okay, rest.  Lyon will be back soon."

"Mhm...Thank you."

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