To the skin

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Once more I will say that this is unedited. And I do things differently here at Noneoftheabove_2, here is randomly just post things instead of putting them into chapters so some posts could be really long and others short. Plus I would just like to say thank you to my best friend MoreThenWords, she helped me so damn much with this story and u can thank her for the birth of the always handsome Seth. This girl is the best ever and I'm so glad to say that I dedicate this story to her. So check her out @MoreThenWords and read her works. Vote and Comment, please. Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you. 


The fireworks went on for what felt like forever and I was starting to get even more cold, Romeo said he would give me a jacket but he doesn't even have one for himself. Lauren and I ended up huddling together using Seth's jacket as a blanket, it worked too because Seth is such a muscular and tall guy that his jacket was giant. The boys fooled around on the rocks by the water while taking quick swigs from their flasks, every once on a while they would come over to us and sit but they haven't sat in twenty minutes. I was already one in the morning and the four of us still acted like the daylight was still shinning through peoples windows, which will happen soon. “Do you think we should try and make them sit down and get away from those rocks?” I asked Lauren.

“I think we should just let them do their thing, they're drunk teenage boys there isn't much you can do to stop them.” She said as she got up from the dock and began to walk to Seth, I pulled the jacket around my shoulders and made sure no cold air could reach me. As soon as I got up to Romeo he fell off of the rocks and into the water below, we all laughed even him.

“Holy shit!” He shouted from below. “That's cold as balls!” He climbed up the rocks and met eyes with me, he seemed more awake then he was before and I can't blame him for that. His bronze hair was now darker then usual because of the water. His clothes were now soaked and sticking to his body even more than before, I felt a sudden urge to just grab him and take away any space between us. He climbed to the top on shivered as he took off his shirt, underneath his abs were perfectly constructed. I looked away from him, not wanting him to see me blush, and I see Seth doing to same thing as Romeo on my right. The two of them stood there with their shirts off and their abs showed off nicely, I couldn't breath for a few second they literally took my breath away.

“Oh my-” Lauren started but was cut off by the zip of Seth's pants, they are just drunk, I said to myself, They don't know what they are doing. The two of them ripped of their pants and stood there in their boxer shorts, then they jumped off the edge of the rocks. The splash from the water was so high that it hit me and Lauren, the two of us look over the edge and see the boys waving at us to join them. “Are you going? Cause you go I'll go. “

“Well I think they might need us down there-” I was cut off by Romeo yelling my name. “What?” I shouted down to him, I couldn't see his face because of the darkness that engulfed him once he jumped off of the rocks.

“Join me Juliet,” he shouted. “join me and we shall be forever young!”

“Yeah right like I'd get my clothes soaking wet only to become even more cold then I am now!” I said right before I saw Lauren ripping off her shirt and shorts, now she only stood there wearing the top and bottoms of her underwear. Then she smiled and rested a hand on my shoulder, the smile had a hint of evil to it. One minute I was sitting at the edge of the rocks then the next I'm being pushed over them by Lauren, as I fell I reached for anything to grab but there was nothing but air. I screamed louder then I thought I could, but then my feet hit the water.

The impact hurt my feet unbelievably, I floated to the top of the water and it took my eyes a second to see that everyone was laying in the water now. Seth stood on a underwater rock and posses as if he was in a commercial for mans briefs, Lauren watched him in awe and I look at Romeo just swimming out towards were the moon sat on the horizon. I followed him, even though I may not be a strong swimmer I still reach him. “Hey,” he says as he floats on him back. “glad you joined me.”

You could be my Romeoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن