You beauty of hate

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Dean Daniels' POV:

God this dude was crazy! He is so damn overprotective of Hannah, if I was with her I would let her go near other guys without feeling the need to kill them if they so much as look at her.

I run out the front door of the club and see a group of stoners smoking and being so stupid, but before I could snap back into running I felt a pain above where my right knee would be. It was the same pain that I felt before I lost my leg, it was burning yet cold and it stung like a son of a bitch. This can't actually be happening, it can't resurface right now.

I fall to the ground and cry out in pain not being able to stop myself, then he runs out and stares down at me. “Dean? Dean!” He rocks my shoulders roughly. “Hannah! Hannah get the fuck out here!” He screams into the door and she surprisingly came right out and looks down at me like he did. My vision was so damn blurry and it was getting hard to see anything but I was focusing on her and her beautifulness, god she really filled out since we were kids. I just need to focus on her, I can already feel the pain subsiding all ready.

“Dean is this-?” She asks but couldn't finish before the tears begin to roll down her face.

“The perks of having cancer? Oh yeah.” I say joking, maybe some humour will make me feel human. She smiles but I can tell by the years of experience that it's fake, though no matter if it's fake or real it's still amazingly beautiful.

“James call Dani.” She says raising away from me and going up to him, she gives him her phone and kisses him on the cheek I don't think that was necessary. “Hurry it up.”

“I'm trying here.” He snaps back, oh if I could I would punch him in the face just for talking to her like that. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-” He stops talking to her and starts to the phone.

“Are you okay?” She asks.

“Yeah it's been worse, but I don't think I can move.” I answer trying to at least sit up on the empty sidewalk.

“Don't move, you'll only hurt yourself more.”

“I'm fine, just help me up onto the wall.” She nods then pulls up me up from my shoulders. I groan and she stops. “Keep going, I'm fine really.”

Finally I got up onto the wall, she leans beside me and holds me up just to make sure I don't fall over. James finishes on the phone then walks back into the club. “You know you're lucky he has a heart.” She says crossing her arms, something inside of me just snaps after she finishes.

“Oh stop it!” I yell. “Don't go on about how damn perfect your little Romeo is, I don't like him Hannah and he hates me.”

“Of course he hates you I mean he told me that he does, plus he doesn't try to hide it. It's not like it's a secret.” She whispers, she didn't sound angry but bored.

“I mean he seems like a good guy but I don't like him because-” Do I want to tell her or not? I've already told her I lover her so this is almost nothing. “Well because i want to have you, I deserve you more then he does. I'm no player like he is, I actually love the woman that you've become when he just loves your body.” I turn to her but she doesn't say anything nor does she move a muscle. “Hannah, I love you for you. I want you for that brain inside there not for your long legs, boobs and ass. Hannah please I-”

“Stop, Dean.” She shook her head and pushes away from the wall. “He loves me for who I am and he isn't some fucking asshole who fells like he can take whatever the hell he wants just because he likes what he sees. Tell me Dean did you get into any colleges or universities?”

“No, but what does that have to do with this?”

“You see I got into Yale and Harvard and McMaster, the three dream universities you had a kid and I got into them not you. I'm the smart one, not you. I'm Hannah and I make my own decisions, not you. I love James and he's like a god in my eyes when you're really nothing more then useless servant. And James isn't the only one that hates you, I hate your guts so damn much it hurts.” Why is she saying all of this? “I hate you Dean, get the fuck out of my life!”

Hateful thoughts by Hannah, but still love her. How do you feel about Dean? Do you love or hate?


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