Wedding Day *The Ceremony*

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You woke up on your friend's couch. You had spent the night at her house so she could help you get ready for your wedding. You still couldn't believe that today was your wedding day. It seemed so surreal! Not only was it your wedding day, but you were getting married to Park Jimin! You never thought that you would be able to say that, but here you are. You walked into the kitchen and found your friend making breakfast.

"There she is! The beautiful bride!"

"You're sounding like my mother." You both laughed.

"Well, she's not here yet, so someone's gotta fill in for her. Sit down, I'll get you a plate."

You gladly took her offer to sit. You were five months along in your pregnancy now, and with twins, it was getting a little hard to move around at times. You were really excited about having twins, but you were also really nervous. It wasn't going to be easy, and it was definitely going to be painful. Your friend brought you your plate and sat down next to you with her food.

"So, are you ready for today?"

"Yeah, but I'm really nervous."

"Don't be nervous. You're marrying the man that you love!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I don't know why I'm nervous."

You both talked about the wedding and the twins as you ate your breakfast. Your mother and Jimin's mother would be coming over in a couple hours to help you get ready for the wedding. After you finished eating, you went into the bathroom and took a shower. When you were done "getting ready", you went out into the living room and watched TV until your mother and Jimin's mother came. At 12:00, they showed up. The wedding didn't start until 5:00, so you all decided to go out and have lunch together. You spent about an hour having lunch, and then went back to your friend's house to start getting ready. Your mother did your hair, and Jimin's mother did your makeup. It was a soft, warm look, but it was elegant at the same time.

*This was your hair & makeup*

*This was your hair & makeup*

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You didn't put your dress on until it was almost time to leave, so you just sat with your mother, soon to be mother-in-law, and your friend and talked until it was time

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You didn't put your dress on until it was almost time to leave, so you just sat with your mother, soon to be mother-in-law, and your friend and talked until it was time. At 4:15, your mother and Jimin's mother helped you with your dress. Your friend grabbed your shoes, which were just a pair of silver flats since there was no way that you were wearing heels, and set them in front of you. You went out to get in the car, your friend went with your mother, and you went with Jimin's mother. You sat in the front seat, holding your dress so it wouldn't get messed up. Your wedding and reception were both inside since it was still a little cold. When you got to the building, your friend went inside to get your father and let them know that you had arrived. Your father came out to meet you, tears started forming in his eyes. He hugged you gently and offered you his arm as he brought you inside. As you entered the room, Jimin looked at you and a huge smile spread across his face. He watched you as you walked down the aisle, your friends standing on either side of the alter as bridesmaids and groomsmen. It all looked perfect and you couldn't help but smile. This was exactly the fairy tale wedding you had been dreaming of since you were a little girl. Once you were at the alter, Jimin took your hands and you stood in front of him. After the priest finished his speech, it was time to say your vows.

"Y/N, you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. The love and support that have could never be matched, except by me. I will always love and support you in everything that you do. You have made me the happiest man in the world not only by becoming my wife, but also by giving me the greatest joy of being a father. Even though they're not here yet, I know that they will turn out to be amazing people, because they will have the most amazing mother. I couldn't have asked for a better life than this, and you've made it that way. You have given me the greatest gifts a man could ever ask for. I only hope that I have been able to do the same for you, because you deserve the world Y/N. I promise to love and to treasure you with everything that I have because that is what you deserve. I truly do love you Y/N, and I can't wait to see what life has in store for us." 

As Jimin finished speaking, you could feel tears roll down your face. He cupped your face with his hands and wiped the tears from your face and smiled.

"Jimin, I never would have thought that I would be standing here with you, and be able to say that we are getting married. I was just another fan in the crowd, but you decided that I was the one that you wanted to spend your life with. I can't begin to describe how happy you have made me. You've made my life better and brighter. It's so surreal that I am standing here, marrying the man that I never thought I would get a chance with. I don't know what you saw in me that day, or why you decided that I was the one that you wanted to spend your life with, but I'm glad you did because it has made me happier than I have ever been. I know that you are going to be a great father, and I am so happy to be taking this next step in my life with you."

You finished your vows with tears rolling down your cheeks. You meant every word that you said, and you knew that Jimin did too. After the vows, the priest finished the ceremony. Jimin gently slipped the ring onto your finger, and you smiled at him as you put the ring on his finger. Jimin pulled you closer as he kissed you. Once you broke the kiss, you turned to your family and friends, now as Mr and Mrs Park Jimin. Everyone clapped as you made your way back down the aisle and outside for pictures. After you took pictures, it was time for the reception.

Hey guys! I hope you guys had some tissues nearby while reading this part XD. I died while writing this part! The next part will be coming soon!

~ChimChim the Living Mochi~

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