Leaving for the Honeymoon

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You woke up the next morning, surprisingly enough, you felt fine. You weren't feeling sick, in fact it felt like you weren't even pregnant... except you felt the weight of your stomach, so the pregnancy was still real. Sometimes it all felt too much like a dream, so you would question if all of it was real. You sat up and started to wake Jimin up.

"Jimin, wake up. We have to leave today." Jimin's eyes slowly opened.

"What time is it?"

"It's 8:30. Our flight leaves in about two hours."

Jimin sat up and got out of bed. He walked to your side and kissed you before helping you up. He had a habit of doing this every morning now that you were getting closer to the end of your pregnancy. He knew it was becoming a little more difficult for you to move around sometimes, so he tried to help you out as best as he could.

"You go get showered, I'll get our bags in the car."

You nodded and walked into the bathroom. You turned on the water and got in the shower. You took a shower as fast as you could so that you would still have time to get something to eat. You finished getting showered, and Jimin had put your bags in the car. While Jimin got ready, you made something quick for breakfast. Once Jimin was done getting ready, he came out to the kitchen and you both sat down and ate breakfast. After breakfast, you grabbed your jacket and got in the car. Jimin helped you get in and then got in the driver's seat. You slept for most of the drive to the airport, which Jimin understood. He knew you were tired a lot, so he never complained when you just wanted to sleep. He woke you up when you got to the airport and got the bags out of the car before helping you out. You went in and went through security before going to your gate. You had about half an hour before your flight, so you talked as you waited for your flight.

"I know we can't do much on our honeymoon, but I hope you still have fun."

"As long as I'm with you, anything is fun."

Jimin gently kissed you and held your hand. You continued to talk as you waited for your flight, and a few fans came up to you and congratulated you on the wedding. When it was time for your flight, you boarded and found your seats. Jimin let you have the window seat, since you felt the most comfortable there. It wasn't going to be a very long flight, since you were just going to Japan. Once you had sat down, you pulled out your book and started reading. After reading a few pages, you started losing interest in your book and turned to Jimin. You grabbed his hand and he looked at you and smiled.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just got bored with my book."

"Well, do you want to talk about the honeymoon?"

"Actually why don't we talk about the babies."

"What about the babies? Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong. It's just, I'm nervous. It's my first pregnancy and we're having twins."

"Don't worry, you're gonna do great. You're gonna have great doctors to take care of you and help you, and I already know that you're gonna be a great mother." You smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Thank you babe. I feel a lot better now. I know we still have four months until the babies come, but it's just been on my mind lately. Thank you for listening."

"It's my job as your husband to listen to you and make sure that you're okay and feeling stressed. It's also my job as a future father to help you with the babies in any way that I can. I promise, I won't make you go through this alone Y/N."

You smiled and rested your head on Jimin's shoulder. He kissed you gently on the top of your head. You sat through the rest of the plane ride with your head on Jimin's shoulder. He didn't move or ask you to move, he just let you sit there. The pilot announced that you would be landing soon, and you sat up. You didn't let go of Jimin's hand, and he didn't let go of yours. Once the plane landed, you got off and went to go get your stuff. You found your bags and left for your hotel. When you got to the hotel, you went to your room and got settled. You wanted to just stay in the hotel room until it was time for dinner, so Jimin went and got something light for you guys to eat for lunch. When he came back, you guys ate and watched a movie on TV. When you finished eating, Jimin wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him. You turned to face him and he pulled you in to a kiss. You kissed him back and you stayed like that for a few minutes. You couldn't really do anything else at the moment, so this was all you could do. You pulled away after a few minutes.

"I kinda wish I hadn't gotten you pregnant already."

You both laughed and he kissed you again. After a while, you ended up falling asleep. Jimin covered you and then sat on the couch. Jimin let you sleep for a couple hours before waking you up for dinner. He helped you up and you slipped your shoes on before walking out the door. You walked out to the car and Jimin helped you get in. Once he got in, he started the car and you went to find a place for dinner. You ended up eating at this cute little cafe. You had a great time just talking and eating. You loved just spending time with him. After dinner, you guys went back to the hotel. You were both tired, Jimin from the concert the night before and you because well, you were pregnant. When you got back to your room, you got changed and laid down on the bed. Jimin came and laid down next to you. You looked at him as he stared at you.

*This is how he looked at you*

You looked at him with a concerned look

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You looked at him with a concerned look. He looked like he was upset.

"Jimin, are you okay? You look like you're upset."

"Nothing's wrong baby. I'm just admiring the beautiful woman that I am privileged to call my wife. You still manage to look absolutely stunning even when you're pregnant." You blushed and playfully hit his arm.

"Oh shush." He smiled and you both chuckled.

"You should go to bed now baby. I love you."

"I love you too."

You smiled at him as he turned off the lamp. You closed your eyes and almost instantly fell asleep. 

Hey guys! Sorry for how crappy this part was, but I hope you enjoyed it. There might be a bit of a time jump to the next part because it's probably gonna get really boring otherwise XD. I can't think of material to take up the time span of 5 months XD. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed, and the next part will be up sometime soon.

~ChimChim the Living Mochi~

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