Cheaters Never Prosper

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"Oh my God!! You asshole!!! You slaughtered me!!!" A young woman's voice could be heard over the headset. She seemed peeved but in a competitive way with a little giggle to her voice. God, he loved the sound of that voice. It always made his day so much better.

Ever since Lucille was fading fast and the only way Negan didn't have to think about it was when he was either fucking some other woman, or playing video games online with his girl Isabella. They had met online through their online survival game with zombies. But he was on the opposing team.

Negan chuckled darkly leaning back in his chair eating popcorn, gleefully looking at his screen. "Well darlin' you chose the wrong side, now didn't ya? I mean, I could have made it so much worse for you." He tormented but he knew she loved it.

"Oh shut up."

Her voice in a pouting tone. Isabella was a girl in her mid-twenties with long dark auburn hair that were often left in curls. She had big beautiful hazel eyes, a straight small nose and perfect slightly rounded plump lips. Though her hair was slightly messy from the stress she was under with school exams and also getting her ass kicked by her internet unofficial boyfriend.

"Aww, c'mon darlin' don't do that to me."

His voice softened and soothing. He hated to hear her upset, even if it was mocking. He knew she came from a hard life and only wanted to be that part that made it better. Even if it was from across the internet.

"Bella, honey?" He put his popcorn down and leaned into the computer, his brows furrowed in worry. "Baby?"

"I'm here... Are you eating popcorn?"

He couldn't decipher whether or not she was okay with her first statement, but then a small smile crept onto his lips at her question. Oh, Bella. Always avoiding how you're feeling with a question about me. She was a curious little thing and he loved that about her. He only wished they could meet in person.

They'd known each other for at least a month which felt like eternity and they had each other's pictures, but a picture was just a picture. Negan never allowed Skype calls in case Lucille happened to come down into the basement. At least with headphones he could just say he was talking to a buddy of his. He sometimes felt like a damn pervert on his couch playing Xbox with a twenty some odd year old girl. But she never made him feel like that.


He shook his head from his thoughts and nodded, "Yeah. Yeah I am." Isabella laughed lightly and again it was music to his ears.

"You're entertaining what can I say?" He teased, wanting to bring the mood back and to make her feel better.

"I'd like to show you how entertaining I can be." She blushed even saying those words. Thank God he can't see me!

"Oh, really?" His tone amused as all hell and surprised at her boldness. She was such a shy girl, never had sex, hardly ever drank. She was perfect and exactly how he liked her. Just the way she was. She was his redemption if he ever saw it, his little guardian angel.

"That's surprising coming from you, sweetheart." He was always known for shootin' it straight and he wasn't about to stop now. He realized now that the campaign in the game was over but he still wanted to talk to her. He really wanted to get to know her better.

"Hey, Bella?" He waited her response on baited breath. Was she offended by his comment? Oh, God, please don't let me screw up this one. Not her. He thought.

"Yeah?" Her voice was soft and gentle, but no hint of sadness. "What is it?" She bit her lip nervously on her end of the screen. She really wished she could have him here, have him hold her when she was scared, or sad. To cuddle and cherish her. To have her first time with. And better yet, to save her from her life.

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